Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween 2013

Happy Halloween!

To start, let me say that I have nothing but a few iPhone pictures to share with you.  The first reason is because my boys were on such a sugar/excitement/holiday high it was nearly impossible to get them to sit still for the 2.5 seconds I needed to get a decent shot. The second is because our freaking real camera decided to die last night! Ugh, I'm so frustrated and I may have had a mini meltdown last night yelling at S that we needed to go out right away and buy a new camera, because what if the baby came!?!!?

That's not what this post is about though. But, in case you're worried, S is going to make one last attempt to fix it tonight and if that doesn't work we will be buying a new one tomorrow. He has also assured me that if I go into labor tonight we will stop somewhere on the way to the hospital and buy one.

Anyway, back to Halloween. L had his party at school today, so not only did he get to wear his costume all day, he also got two rounds of trick or treating. L2 and I spent the day running some errands and then just relaxing at home. Thankfully they both took good naps today and woke up ready to hit the streets and beg strangers for candy.

I have to say, they looked pretty darn cute. L was batman and L2 was Robin..... too bad I could only get one picture of them standing even close to each other!

(This was the best one, and L2 is blurry because he's about to make another run for it!)

L2 is still a little bit young to totally get what is going on. But he knew there was candy involved and he had a good time walking around the neighborhood and trailing after his big brother. This is the first year I think L really understood it, and he was actually ringing doorbells and saying "trick or treat". It was fun, although I have a feeling candy is going to be somewhat of an issue around our house for the next few days. 

I'm glad I got to spend this holiday with the boys. I was a little worried I might end up in the hospital if baby decided to come early. But, now that Halloween is over, he can come whenever he wants!

38 weeks

How far along: 38 weeks!!!! 9 days left!!! (Hopefully a little less!)
Maternity Clothes: I've been rocking non maternity leggings with a maternity tunic top a lot these days when I go out, or my maternity jeans. I've switched from my regular workout shorts to yoga pants for comfort, although they are all still non maternity. I'm most comfortable lazing around the house in sweats and a tank top these days! I'm pretty much down to about 3 outfit that are "cute" that I rotate through for Dr appointments or if I'm actually going out somewhere besides the gym or the grocery store!
What I miss: Everything!
Exercise: I did two good yoga classes this week and two days of lighter cardio. Still 2 miles, but I slower pace and a lighter incline. It felt really good actually. I'm definitely past the point of pushing myself and it feels good to get an "easier" workout in. I told myself that this was my last week, but we will see what happens next week! I might end up going a few days next week just in an attempt to get labor started!
Cravings: Oh my God.... Sugar! Halloween and pregnancy.... need I say more? And cereal. But not the good/healthier cereal I normally eat.... nope, I have totally stocked my pantry with Froot Loops and Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
Aversions: Nothing! 
Symptoms: Lot's of contractions,  pretty much all day every day. Getting stronger but still not consistent. Lot's of pressure. Hard to breath sometimes, rib pain, pubic bone pain. Also, he's been laying on my sciatic nerve and it makes my hips hurt/tingle. 
Labor Signs: Still dilated at 1cm. Having so so many contractions, and they are starting to really hurt. They are also radiating down my hips and through my back. On Tuesday night I really thought that I was actually in labor, but once I started to wake up S they stopped. A little frustrating, but my mom is getting here on Saturday, and honestly it would be easier if he just waited until then. 
Best moments of this week: Another good Dr Appointment where baby looked good, and of course celebrating Halloween with my boys! 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Pumpkin Carving

It's pumpkin carving time!

OK, can I be perfectly honest? I'm 38 weeks pregnant, so uncomfortable, and the last thing I felt like doing tonight was carving pumpkins. And that makes me feel like such a scrooge, especially since I am usually all about holidays and holiday traditions. But it needed to get done, and I admit, I went into with the attitude that I would "supervise".... I really wasn't planning on doing much besides taking pictures. But once we got started the "Halloween Spirit" got a hold of me and I actually ended up having a lot of fun.

L wasn't too into it...... He said the insides of the pumpkins looked like "Ooyey, gooey, icky spiderwebs." I guess I can't totally argue with him. He did give specific directions as to what we should draw/carve on each pumpkin though.

Our first pumpkin was a shooting star theme:

And this handsome gentleman was named "Chalky" and L thought he was scary, but funny, looking.

L2 thought the whole process was fun, but he pretty much likes anything new. And he kept trying to figure out if this was maybe something he could eat.

Overall, it was a success and I'm glad I snapped out of my mood. I can't believe this will be our last Halloween as a family of four! Next year we will have three little boys to wrangle..... even the thought makes me exhausted! But also so happy!

Friday, October 25, 2013

37 weeks

How far along: 37 weeks! (OMG, such awful pictures! Awful lighting, straight out of the shower, no makeup and wet hair! Ugh!)
Maternity Clothes: I've been rocking non maternity leggings with a maternity tunic top a lot these days when I go out, or my maternity jeans. I've switched from my regular workout shorts to yoga pants for comfort, although they are all still non maternity. I'm most comfortable lazing around the house in sweats and a tank top these days!
What I miss: Everything. I'm definitely getting to that point in the pregnancy where I am just ready to be done and have this baby here and have control over my body again! I can't wait to have a big glass of wine and plate of sushi and then sleep on my stomach! Oh, and not having to get out of bed 20 times a night to pee would be great too!
Exercise: I did two good yoga classes this week and two days of lighter cardio. Still 2 miles, but I slower pace and a lighter incline. It felt really good actually. I'm definitely past the point of pushing myself and it feels good to get an "easier" workout in. My goal is to do the same next week, and then we will see if I'm still pregnant after that. My mom will be here once I'm in week 39 so I figure I will probably just take it easy that week.
Cravings: I've been really good this pregnancy about not giving into the cravings and watching what I eat..... but I have given in at this point. Hey, I figure I only have a max of about two weeks left so I might as well live it up a little. I bought a big box of froot loops, which are my favorite sugar cereal, and have been greatly enjoying them! I've also eaten quite a few of L2's birthday cupcakes!
Aversions: Nothing! 
Symptoms: Lot's of contractions,  pretty much all day every day. Getting stronger but still not consistent. Lot's of pressure. Hard to breath sometimes, rib pain, pubic bone pain. Also, he's been laying on my sciatic nerve and it makes my hips hurt/tingle. 
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks every day, several times a day. More and more pressure. The baby feels super low and people have started to comment that it looks like he has dropped. Still dilated at 1.
Best moments of this week: Biggest and best moment was celebrating L2's second birthday! Had another good Dr app for me and the baby and everything looks good! L started Tball this week and it seems like he is going to love it as much as he liked soccer. 

L2's second birthday!

Happy birthday to my sweet baby boy!!!

His birthday was actually yesterday, this post is coming at you a day late. I have no excuse except.... oh yeah, I'm freaking pregnant as can be. So that's my excuse.

Anyway, as I was saying.....

Happy, happy, happy birthday to my amazing L2. I cannot believe you are two years old. It has been an amazing two years, full of so many great memories and milestones, but also a bit of a roller coaster. You taught us things I never expected to learn. You taught us, me, how to be a better parent. We had doctor appointment after doctor appointment, and months and months of frustration and no answers. I saw you struggle with certain things and I was sure my heart would break in two, but you have always been so strong and so determined. (Also, pretty darn stubborn.... but we love that about you!)

In the last six months, we finally saw all the puzzle pieces fall into place. We were given answers, but more importantly we were given solutions. We are so incredibly lucky, because I know that their are many parents out there who don't get good news in situations like these. They don't get "cures" and they don't get to see that light at the end of the tunnel. We did and we are grateful everyday.

In the last six months we have watched you flourish. We have watched you meet and exceed all of our expectations. We are so proud of you.

Yesterday you had your two year doctor appointment and she said you were a different kid than the one she saw six months ago. You are happy, and healthy and exactly where you need to be. We have a little more work to do, but that light at the end gets brighter everyday.

I love you. Thank you for being so strong over the last two years, Thank you for always being a stubborn, little fighter. Thank you for always showing us that you could do this.

OK, enough of the mush..... let's talk about your day yesterday and what being two is looking like for you! We started the day dropping your big brother off at preschool and then you and I went for a mommy/son breakfast date at a local bakery.  You have such a sweet tooth, so you were very happy with your blueberry muffin!

(A little annoyed at me for taking pictures when he was trying to eat!)

The rest of our day was busy. You had your doctor appointment.... sorry about having to do that on your birthday! We ran errands and went to the bookstore for a bit, and then went back to get L from school. We went to a nicer birthday dinner for you at Oregano's the other night, so we decided to take you and L to McDonald's for your actual birthday dinner. This is something we never do, so you and your brother were in seventh heaven! You chowed down on a cheeseburger and fries and then you and your brother played in the play area.  I have a feeling this is something you guys will be asking for on future birthdays!

After dinner we came home and did cupcakes, signing and presents. You liked being the center of attention while we all sang to you, and I think we can definitely add cupcakes to one of your favorite foods! (I'm not sure if I'll ever get all the crumbs off my floor!)

You had a nice little pile of presents to open, and L made sure to help you every step of the way. You were pretty patient with him, even if he was having a bit of a hard time with the fact that it was your birthday and not his!

Happy birthday, my love! We absolutely love everything about you!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Baby #3's nursery!

We finally finished the nursery! It has been such a process and I can't believe I didn't freak out more that it wasn't ready until my 37th week! First we had to actually move L2 out of the room and into L's room, move all his stuff over, put up the chair rail, add shelves to the closet, repaint, redecorate..... It was a big project! I am so so so happy with the way it turned out though! It's funny how much your taste changes over the years, and I was really over L2's nursery. I didn't like the green color and I really didn't like the jungle them we had went with. I think this is our favorite nursery we have done so far. L had a "surfer" them, L2 had the "jungle" them, but with this one I decided to go with a color/pattern scheme instead of an actual theme. Much more me.

Anyway, to start, here are some "before" pics of when it was L2's nursery:

The green color wasn't bad, but it was just a bit too bright for me in the end. And really, the jungle stuff was cute..... but I"m just not really a "theme" person.

The first update I wanted to make was to add a chair rail. I am obsessed with chair rails and paneling and moldings.... and our house has none of them! So I decided the nursery was the perfect place to add one, plus I knew I wanted to do the walls two toned!

Next we painted it. The top half is a gorgeous powder blue (I know it looks more purple in this picture, but it's not!) and the bottom is a light grey! (Obviously not painted yet in this picture!)

This picture shows when the walls were finally fully painted and the shelves were added to the closet. The room was in a total state of disarray forever, it drove me crazy!

And finally, the finished product! (Well, almost, we are still waiting on a crib skirt and bumpers that a friend is making us!) I really love it. I think the chair rail adds so much to the room, and I think the colors are so soft and soothing. You can't see the pictures in the frames very well, but I got some gorgeous prints off etsy in the same colors of the room!

We were going to get a new glider, but in the end just ended up giving this one a good deep cleaning! And of course, his blanket, made with love for him by his mama!

Adding shelves to the closet and a second bar for the clothes was the best thing I've done. We have so much more storage space and it's so much more organized!

So there you have it! The nursery is ready, so baby can go ahead and come when he is ready!

Friday, October 18, 2013

36 weeks!

How far along: 36 weeks! (37 weeks tomorrow! OMG.... 3 weeks left!!!)
Maternity Clothes: My workout clothes are still non maternity, but the rest is maternity! And pretty much as soon as I'm in the house these days the sweatpants come on! 
What I miss: Everything. I'm definitely getting to that point in the pregnancy where I am just ready to be done and have this baby here and have control over my body again! I can't wait to have a big glass of wine and plate of sushi and then sleep on my stomach! Oh, and not having to get out of bed 20 times a night to pee would be great too!
Exercise: Well, my friends, it has happened. I have officially hit my wall. Where last week I was still able to push through my normal workouts, even though it was super hard, this week I couldn't push anymore. I did two yoga classes and two light cardio sessions. (2 miles each time but a very low incline at 3-5 and a lower speed at 3.8-4.0) It's really hard for me to take it easy, but I know this is what I need at this point. My goal is to get in two, maybe 3 days, of yoga or light cardio the next two weeks, and we will see what happens in week 39!
Cravings: It's coming and going. Sometimes I am starving and sometimes I have no appetite at all. 
Aversions: Nothing! 
Symptoms: Lot's of contractions,  pretty much all day every day. Getting stronger but still not consistent. Lot's of pressure. Hard to breath sometimes, rib pain, pubic bone pain. Also, he's been laying on my sciatic nerve and it makes my hips hurt/tingle. 
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks every day, several times a day. More and more pressure. The baby feels super low and people have started to comment that it looks like he has dropped. Still dilated at 1.
Best moments of this week: A good Dr appointment for Lucas. A good Dr appointment for me and baby (step B negative! Yay!). Got the baby's going home out fit and found the prints I wanted for the nursery and got them hung. Starting to feel more and more ready. And had a good mall date with a friend today! 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Time for a toddler bed!

So, a few weeks ago we made the move to put L and L2 in the same room. It went so smoothly, I almost couldn't believe it. We literally had not one issue. Well, with that milestone behind us we decided this weekend that it was time to implement step two of rooming the boys together: switching L2 to the toddler bed.  Right now we are still using the crib, but obviously that needs to go back into the nursery. The crib converts into a toddler bed, so that plan is to convert it for L2 for now, make sure he's ready for it, and then get him his own toddler bed and move the crib back into the nursery.

Super easy, right?

I mean, moving them into together was suppose to be the tough part so this should be a walk in the park.


We started this last night, and let's just say it's not going as smoothly as I would have hoped. I guess we couldn't be that lucky, huh? The first problem is now that he can get out of the bed, L2 won't stay in bed. We have a baby gate up on the room so he can't get out, but he gets out of bed and stands at the gate, shaking it and crying/yelling. The second problem is that L is not OK with this behavior. Seriously, we were kind of expecting this from L2, but we were not expecting L to freak out when he wouldn't stay in bed.

(He knows he 's not suppose to be getting out!)

So finally last night we ended up bringing L out of the room until L2 was finally asleep. And after that it was fine. They slept through the night (although at some point L2 did move to the floor) and woke up at the normal time with no problem. It's the getting to sleep that seems to be the issue. Nap time was the same thing today. I ended up having to go into the room and lay in L's bed until L2 was asleep, and I had to do the same thing at bed time tonight. It's not a huge deal, if I stay in there with him he's usually down in about ten minutes and he doesn't wake up when we send L in...... but I'm hoping this passes quickly and he just starts going right down with no fuss.

(who could be mad at that face.... so sweet!)

I know he'll adjust to this, and the important thing is to just keep going now that we've started. It will probably take a few weeks before things run totally smoothly, but hopefully we can get it all worked out before the new baby gets here. Hey, if anything at least this gives me something else to focus on for these last few weeks of pregnancy, right?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

35 weeks!

How far along: 35 weeks!
Maternity Clothes: My workout clothes are still non maternity, but when the rest is maternity!
What I miss: Everything. I'm definitely getting to that point in the pregnancy where I am just ready to be done and have this baby here and have control over my body again!
Exercise: Not a great week. I got one good cardio day and two good yoga classes in. Mostly it was because my parents were in town so I just got too busy to hit the gym, but when I went to yoga on wednesday I was planning on staying and doing cardio, but I literally just felt like I hit a wall. I'm pretty good at pushing through, but my body was telling me pretty strongly that day that it had had enough, so I listened. It's hard for me to take a step back, but I just keep telling myself that I made it further, going harder, than I had originally expected. I would like to get a really good solid week in next week and then ease up as I get into the 37th week, since at that point the baby can come at any time!
Cravings: Sweets!
Aversions: Nothing! Hungry all the time!
Symptoms: All the same ones I've been having, but the contractions are getting more and more frequent and they are getting to the point where they take my breath away. I have them throughout the day, everyday, but they haven't gotten consistant yet!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks every day, several times a day. More and more pressure. The baby feels super low and people have started to comment that it looks like he has dropped. I had a dr appointment today and am dialated to 1!
Best moments of this week: Finishing up a great visit with my parents (they just left today) and realizing that my mom is coming back in 3 weeks for the baby! A good dr app where we found out I'm dilated to 1cm and baby is looking to be about 6 pounds already, so he is right on track to be another 8 pounder! (What can I say, I have big baby boys!) Also, we finally got a new computer! Yay! We really, really needed a new one.... our old one was pretty ancient and it would take me like 20-30 minutes sometimes just to load a page! So frustrating! So we got a macbook air and I love it! 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Maternity Pictures!

We've done Maternity pictures with L and L2, so there was no way I couldn't do them with this little guy too! Lucky for us we have an amazingly talented friend who took our pictures for us (she took the ones for L2 also!) It so nice having a friend who is able  (and generous enough) to do this for us. Not only does it not break the bank, we get a nice mix of maternity pics, family photos and pics of the boys. And we get a disk so we can print photos, share on Facebook, etc. One of my biggest pet peeves about hiring a "professional" photographer is you end up with 10 pictures, but no right to be able to print them or share them I am such a photo album person, so this doesn't work for me!

Anyway, check out my friend Ali's blog here, she's pretty awesome!

I am so in love with the way these pictures turned out. I decided not to do the whole bare belly thing this time. I did it for the first two but I figured it was time to shake it up a little. I don't want to go back in twenty years and not know which maternity photos are for which kid because I have the same "shots" for all of them!

So, here they are! Maternity/family photos 2013! Thanks Ali!