Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Six months

Six months. Her first year is almost half way over. To say time is flying by is an understatement, and the fact that she is most likely our last baby makes it very sweet. But, it's also so amazing to watch her change and grow and see who she is becoming.

At six months C is still exclusively breastfeeding, although she just recently started some solid foods and has tried peas and carrots. She is not a huge fan, thus far. Nursing is still going amazing and I truly love every second of it. She has no teeth, thank goodness, and despite lots of drool we don't see any peeking through yet. Just this last week we transitioned her out of her snuggle nest, because she was getting too big for it, and moved her into the pack in play in our room. She still ends up in our bed sometimes between midnight and two when she wakes up to eat, but hey, baby steps. 

She's gotten a good amount of pool time lately, especially now that she can wear sunscreen. She really likes it, although gets annoyed when she splashes and the water hits her in the face. I've also been trying to work on getting her to nap in her crib, instead of exclusively napping on my chest. First, she hates this. Second, I'm sad to let go of the chest naps, even though it's time to start moving her towards that. So that has been a fight that sometimes I win, but a lot of time she wins. But we are working on it. 

She is super close to crawling! She is getting up on all fours and rocking, or going into plank pose. She can also sit unassisted with no problem, and rolls all over the place.

She also really likes Jello, but Jello is smart enough to keep her distance so her hair doesn't get yanked.

Flagstaff visit 2018

Right after we got home from our California trip, we spent one night at home, repacked up, and headed up to Flagstaff. We try to go at least once a summer, since it's our favorite place and you can't beat the gorgeous weather this time of year. We spent out first day out at the lake, where we surrounded by storms on each side, but had unreal blue sky directly above us. 

We also spent time swimming (and snacking!) at our hotel pool.

We hit all our favorite breweries and took the kids around campus.

And then, as we usually do we went to the pound to see the puppies and kitties....

And then this time this special little girl, who was the last of her litter and had no tail, caught our eye and stole our hearts.

So, world, I introduce to you; Miss Jello. She was named by the boys, and she's very sweet and calm. She's actually been sick since we got her, but after several vet visits we are hoping she is on the mend!

California Summer 2018

We took our California trip a few weeks ago to visit family, celebrate S's bday (34!), and escape the ridiculous Phoenix heat. It was an amazing trip, with LOTS of beach days.

Some mini gold adventure:

Birthday Celebrations and fun with friends:

Including a visit from this special girl:

Yes, I'd say a good time was had by all!

Except maybe Stella, who was worried we were going to leave without her so she kept climbing in the stroller and crying.