Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy Anniversary

2 years ago today was the second happiest day of my life. (This first, of course, is the day Landon was born). 2 years ago today I married my best friend, the love of my life, the person that truly completes who I am. Ok, fair warning, this is probably going to be pretty cheesy, but I can't help it. S makes me cheesey! When I talk about us, and our marriage, and our family, and our wedding I turn into a big ball of goo that wants to cry and sometimes uses words like "soulmate" and occasionally wishes that life had a soundtrack so that everyone could hear "better together" by Jack Johnson when I talk about my husband and our life together.

And, wow, has life changed in 2 years. I knew we would be starting this amazing adventure together when we got married, I knew kids would be in the (near) future, but I never could have even imagined how amazing it would all be. Our wedding was beautiful, and so, so, so much fun. I love that we had a fairly large wedding. I love that we were surrounded by friends and family that loved us and were there to see us off on this journey we were about to take. I love that everyone had so much fun and that it was a great party.

But mostly I love that I got to start this new chapter in my life with this man by my side.

I remember being so nervous and so excited at the same time. The whole day felt surreal. My dad cried as he walked me down the isle, and I have never felt more loved by the people in my life.

And now, 2 years late our little family has the most wonderful addition. And the happiness I felt on our wedding day is magnified by about 200 million everytime I look at him. And it's maginified by about 5000 million when I see S and him together. Because these two men are all mine, and I love them more then I knew was possible.

So, happy anniversary baby, I love you. I can't wait to see what the future brings us.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

luckiest girl in the world!

I realize this is two posts in one day, but I had to write and tell everyone out there that I am by far the luckiest, most-loved, blessed girl in the world!

As I was toiling away at work (Ok, I was reading other peoples blogs, mentally decorating our master bedroom  and toiling away at work) in walks an incredibly handsome and dapper man, dressed to the nines in a shirt and tie. Very, very, very successfull-business-man handsome. And this man hands me a beautiful vase of flowers and gives me a kiss.

Handsome business man is my husband, who drove all the way from Scottsdale to hand deliver me flowers on his lunch break.  How lucky am I?

"What are these for?" I asked him, giggling like a schoolgirl.

"I just realized that I haven't bought you flowers in a long time."

**Sigh** My heart melted.

And then hansome, thoughtful, wonderful husbanded headed back to work, after completely making my day and making me feel oh so loved!

Sorry ladies, he's taken!!!

7 months

Landon turned 7 months last week. How crazy is that? It seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital, and he was so small and we truly had no idea what we were doing! Lol, I laugh about it now but those first few days I just remember being so terrified about everything. I woke up about 10 time a night just to check his breathing, I was convinced he had a fever everytime he felt the slightest bit warm, if he wouldn't sleep I was worried, if I thought he was sleeping too much I was worried..... it was pretty stressfull! But then, like all things, we settled into our routine and slowly navigated our way through caring for a newborn. I have friends that sometimes ask, "how do you know what to do?" and the truth is, we don't. We just learned as we went. If we didn't know we googled it (Thank God for google!)  or asked family member and sometimes, we just guessed. And seeing as how Landon is now a healthy and happy 7 month old, we obviously didn't fail too misrabely.

Everyone tells you how fast it is going to fly by, but it's hard to believe how true that really is. Landon is still trying his hardest to crawl, but he is definetly very mobile. He can scoot or roll to wherever he wants to go, and he is starting to pull himself up into standing position.

He loves taking baths, and I love taking bathtime pics! (Seriously, is there anything cuter then a wet little baby playing in the water?)

He is still the sweetest little boy ever, but he is also learning to express what he wants. He has this loud shriek/yell that he does if he feels that you are not paying enough attention to him and he also will yell at you if you take away a toy he wants. Another thing he does  is hold out his arms to be picked up, which absolutely melts my heart everytime, so I end up doing pretty much everything with a baby on my hip!

I love, love, love this little guy and everyday is amazing to watch the little boy he is turning into.

Some pics of Landon 7 months ago:

And now, 7 months later he is soooo big and so handsome!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Writers block

It's been awhile since I've written anything. I've had a case of "writers block" or something. Or, maybe it's just more of a case of "I have a 7 month old baby and am usually lucky if I have time to shower and/or eat lunch, so what was I thinking when I thought I would have time to write a blog on a regular basis?"  It seems like everytime I've sat down to write something one of two things happens. Either I sit here and stare and the screen, write something, then erase it and repeat this procces about 10 times before I give up and swear I will come back later and write. Or I sit down, bursting with inspiration and ideas and the second my finger touch the keyboard my little guy start crying for my attention and all ideas are lost as I run to get him.
We are settled into a good routine now, even with my new work schedule. Everything is so good and we are so happy, but at the same time our days just kind of chug along, running into one another untill one day I look up and realize three weeks have passed. And I know I have things I could have been writing about along the way, pictures I could have been posting, or lifes little annoyances that I could have been bitching about. But I haven't and now I am irrated at myself because the whole point of this blog was to be able to look back on this time and remember all the good and bad and happy and funny as we navigate our way through the early years of young marriage and parenthood and all the joys and trials that go along with both.
I think the older you get, the faster time seems to go. I can't belive L is almost 7 months old. I can't believe S and I have been married 2 years this month. I wish I could soak it all it all in and remember every little moment (hence the blog) but it's going at such a fast pace I feel like I am almost running just to stay caught up with everything.
This is a little disjointed, I realize. Maybe even confusing for some of you, but it makes sense to me. And the main point of this entry is that I just need to sit down and write something, even if that something was about the fact that I haven't been writing. So, hopefully, the "writers block" is broken. I have put something down and stopped the cylce. No be prepared, because next time I have a flash of inspiration but L is crying, I'm going to pull him up on my lap, give him a cuddle, and make sure I do not stop writing until I get down what I wanted.