Monday, December 21, 2015

L's Christmas Party (kindergarten)

Have I told you guys I'm L's homeroom mom?

I complain to S about it a lot, because it is a lot of work, but truthfully I love it. Not to get cheesy, but this is what I feel like i was meant to do. I love being involved in my children's lives and being able be a main person in their school lives.

So I put together their teacher gifts this year. We got contributions from the whole class and got each teacher a $75 coffee gift card, with a cute mug to go with it. We also gave gift tags to each kid and had them write on it what they loved about their teacher, and then put them all in a cute mason jar for them.

It was super cute and we had all the kids meet out front before school so they could walk in together to present the gifts and wish them a Merry Christmas! It was so cute, and the teacher got teary eyed! (OK, I may have too!)

After we presented the teacher gifts the kindergartner's had an "on campus" field trip, which I got chosen as a volunteer for.

It was very sweet, they had six or seven different "stations" set up in the multipurpose room and they circulated through all of them. They included things like: snow making, cookie decorating, making your own stocking, making reindeer food, story time…. I can't remember what else!

I got to help out with the cookie station and the snow making station, and seeing how excited and amazed all the kids were by everything was really cool!

I'm so lucky to be so present in L's school life, and even luckier that he is still at an age that he is excited/proud that I am there!

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