I work at a school, and although I do technically work for a portion of the summer, the excitement and feeling of freedom that come with the last day of school still gets to me every year. I feel like a kid again with visions of sleeping in, long days by the pool, barbeques, and sticky popsicles dancing through my head.
I dare say I might suffer from Seasonal Deficit Disorder, because the winter months tend to settle over me with a gloom. While the first few weeks of fall have me excited for the idea cozy sweaters, hot ciders and the holidays, I quickly fall into a funk that only truly seems to lift when the first warm days of spring finnaly start to come through. Summer has always just been a happy time for me, a time when things seem more relaxed and carefree. Summers are meant for long talks on back patios with old friends, and cold beers, and trips to the lake, and camping. Even after I graduated college, and worked a normal year round job, summers seemed to still be a vacation.
So today, while the kids cleaned out lockers, turned in textbooks, scrambled to get the most yearbook signatures, and shouted invitations for pool parties and slumber parties to each other, I found myself getting caught up in the excitment. I love summer vacation, regardless of wether or not I am actually on vacation. And this summer is my first summer with L, my first summer as a mommy. How absolutely exciting is that?
And while he is only 8 (almost 9) months old, I am as excited for summer vacations to come as I am for this summer. I see us taking weekend camping trips where we roast marshmallow and sleep in tents, I can't wait for S to teach him how to fish, I see vision of boyscout camps and backyard cookouts in our future.
But for this summer my main goal is to start our first summer on the right foot. Wether L remembers it or not, I want it to set the tone for all summer vacations to come. So, without further ado, here is my list of "to do's" for this first summer:
- Take L to the pool as much as possible. Long days soaking in the sun and teaching L to love the water as much as S and I do.
- Picnic, picnic, picnic. Wether we picnic at the pool, or picnic at the park, I want to break in our picnic basket as much as possible this summer.
- Paint our bedroom so that it become the sanctuary that I picture it being in my mind.
- Paint our master bathroom...... same thing with the sanctuary idea.
- paint, decorate and put back together our office. Not so much to make it a sanctuary, but because it is a project I started several months ago and I really just need to finish it.
- Read, read, read. I want to read every night, to soak in the lives of fictional characters.
- Buy girly, fruity beverages like twisted ice teas and wyders rasberry cyder and drinking them on the back patio while reading the above books.
- barbeque with old friends, and reminisce and laugh and tell jokes over burgers and hot dogs and cold beers
- Keep writing. I want to write more then I have these past few weeks. I want to document this first summer, to remember exactly how I felt for each happy moments, and to include many, many photographs.
So, although I return to work on Tuesday for three weeks, tonight I am reviling in the feeling of summer vacation!
Happy summer everyone!
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