Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall Break

One of the perks to working at a school is undeniably the breaks. We get fall break, Christmas break, springs break and summer break...... and, for me at least, they are paid. We are just finishing up fall break right now, and I have been soaking in all the time I can with L. I know I have said this a million times, but these breaks always just really put into perspective how much I want to stay home. And I did work a few shift at the restaurant this week, and it was fine, I still felt more or less like a stay at home mama. I really hope we can eventually (sooner then later) make this shift to me staying home, and if we need the extra money just working a few nights a week serving. I had such a blast with my little man this week, and here are just a few of the things we have been up to lately:

Lazy (and cooler) mornings:

L and I had breakfast on our porch almost every morning this week. The temperature have dropped enough for it be beautiful first thing in the morning, so I set up L's high chair out back and while he enjoyed juice, cheerios, and graham crackers, I spent the time with a good book and coffee. I love being able to really enjoy our mornings and laze around in our pajamas as we get ready for the day.

Trips to the park:

After our lazy mornings we walked down to our local park, where L mastered going down a slide by himself. I don't have too many pictures of our adventures at the park, in part because I kept forgetting to charge my camera, but also because when you are chasing a very active 1 year old around by yourself you don't have as many opportunities to set up photo ops.

Baking Cookies:
(We added cream cheese icing to these....)

In the spirit of trying to get into the fall season, which is not always easy to do when it is still hitting 100+ degrees outside, L and a baked pumpkin spice cookies!

Story Time:

Ok, again, no pics of this due to the lack of charging, but L and I hit up the libraries toddler story time one morning and he LOVED it. There were so many little kids running around and we sang songs and danced and played with toys. This was another situation that made me realize that I could stay at home with him and he could still get a lot of the "kid on kid" interaction that he is getting at daycare. Sorry for the lack of pictures, but you can take my work for it, it was cute and we had fun!

The Children's Museum:

 (This was actually REALLY high up... I was a little nervous, but L had no fear!)

 (That kid in back of us? Kept running over my foot trying to get past us)

S took Friday off so we could spend the whole day together as a family and we decided to take L to the Phoenix Children's Museum, some place we had never been before. I think I had almost as much fun as L did. We only spent about 2 hours their before L started getting tired and a little cranky, but we managed to visit every room and I think L got to play with everything at least once.

Date Night (afternoon):

After the Children's Museum S and I took a rare opportunity to drop L off at our friend Erin's house and grab lunch, some beers and a movie, all on our own. Don't get me wrong, I love spending every second of every day with L, and S and I both missed him and were so ready to go get him once the movie was over, but it is so rare that we get off on our own now, and I think it is really important to make sure you make time for your marriage as well as your children. So we did, we had fun and had grownup conversation and ate a leisurely lunch without having to tend to juice cups and baby snacks, and then we rushed home to pick up our little man.

It was an amazing break, and I am sad that it is over and am not ready to return to work tomorrow. But, we do what we have to do, and at least I have tons of great memories from this week to tide me over until my next break!

Happy Sunday everyone, have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you had such a great fall break! What a blessing to get a break from it all!! Did you guys love the museum?! I love it, but that huge 3 story climber thing... not good! LOL, while I was watching my husband up at the top with Cameron last time we were there, I had a panic attract because I wondered what the heck the "fire code" was if there was a fire!!! LOL

    We need to get together soon, Landon is such a sweetie, as usual :)
