Monday, November 13, 2017

R turns four!

This little dude turned four last week.

FOUR!!! I think he officially a little boy at this point, no longer my baby and not even really a toddler anymore. It's pretty amazing to watch this little person he is growing into, but man, it's really freaking bittersweet too. 

He had school on his birthday, and was super excited to wake up to a room full of balloons (our birthday tradition for all the kids) and then take cookies to his classmates, but first we made a special mommy/son date for donuts after we had gotten the two big boys from school.

The rest of the day/night was pretty low key. My parents were in town so we had them over for a pizza dinner, cupcakes, and of course presents. R was very excited for presents, he's been talking about them every since L's birthday back in September. 

He made out pretty well, with Lego's and books and toys, and a new pair of rainbows (because rainbows are his jam!) and a lion sweatshirt that he has been asking for every since he saw it in the store.

Oh, my sweet R. You are hard to even describe. You are our wild child. You are stubborn and feisty. You have a fiery temper when you don't get your way, you like to torture your brothers but you are fiercely protective if anyone tries to mess with them. You give the sweetest cuddles and kisses but you also have the most mischievous little grin that usually means you're up to something. You already love the baby in mommy's tummy and are pretty insistent that it is a baby sister (we will see!), but I'm a little worried about how you will react when they baby actually gets here and you are no longer the baby. You are a mama's boy without a doubt, you love being near me, but your daddy is one of your favorite people in the world. I have no doubt you are going to take this world by storm. We love you so much, my little monster!

Happy fourth birthday, R!

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