Saturday, November 4, 2017

Pumpkin Carving and Trick or Treating!

Well, we've kicked off the holiday season with yet another successful Halloween! The kids (especially R) were counting down the days and asking if it was time to trick or treat yet for basically the last two weeks. Needless to say they were pretty excited. Off course before we could do anything we had to carve our pumpkins! It's still so hot here that you really can't do your carving until a few days before, otherwise the pumpkins just disintegrate, so we did ours two nights before the night.

R and L2 had me help them draw faces on theirs, and then they "helped me" carve them (AKA, I carved them while they gave me instructions and danced around!). L actually wanted to try one of the more complicated pictures this year and did a majority of the carving himself, with some help from Daddy. His turned out really cool and he was pretty proud of it!

And then, finally, it was time for costumes and trick or treating! This year we had a red power ranger (R) and blue power ranger (L2) and a ninja (L). Apparently our days of cute, cuddly costumes are over! But they all still looked pretty darn cute and they loved their costumes.

We usually trick or treat with our good friends and their kids, which we did again this year, and we also had some other good friends join us. We ended up with eight crazy kiddos, but it was so much fun!

I had originally planned on only going for about half an hour with them and then going home and handing out candy. I"m starting to get pretty uncomfortable as I move into the third trimester and I wasn't sure I would be up for a whole night out. But I ended up surprising myself (and I think everyone else!) and staying out the whole time. I even went through a haunted house with L and R! (R had to be carried after the first minute, and L2 wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. He followed us in about five steps, saw the first scary person and booked it out of there!)

It was a really fun night, even if I was wiped by the end of it! I"m so happy we, and the kids, have such an amazing group of friends and such a fun neighborhood do make all these memories with!

Happy Halloween! 

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