Saturday, April 2, 2016

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!!! (From last weekend… you know I'm not very good at posting in real time!)

What do you do when it's Easter in Phoenix? You dye Easter eggs outside, of course!

Also, we just got a new kitchen table, and dying eggs outside seemed a lot cleaner! That's also why R is stripped down to a diaper… less mess!

You also have to put out some carrots in hopes that the Easter Bunny might hide the eggs you diligently dyed, and maybe even leave you a treat or  two!

I'd day our kids lucked out!

Because the kids like to wake up at the crack of dawn, and we do not like to, we started the morning with some cartoon cuddles in Mom and Dad's bed! 

Once we finally rolled out of bed, the kids were pretty stoked to see that the Easter Bunny had left them some gifts! I think the biggest winner (besides the loads of candy) was a new bubble machine!

And after some searching we realized that the Bunny had hidden our dyed eggs, as well as some eggs with candy and money in them, in our front yard. We had to reign L in a little bit to make sure the little boys got their fair share of eggs too, but I think they had fun searching and finding!

Once we pulled them away from the hunt and convinced them that there were no more eggs hidden we set up the bubble machine in the backyard, gave the some chocolate, and S made us a delicious breakfast of eggs benidicts and mimosas!

And to finish off a perfect we Easter we hit up one of the last Spring Training games of the season. The weather was perfect and we had a great spot on the grass for the boys to run around.

I'd say we had a pretty perfect Easter!

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