Sunday, October 26, 2014

Caps for Sale!

Caps for Sale!!!

Seriously, have you guys ever read that book? If you have little kids, and you haven't, go out and get it. It's super cute!!!

L's pre-K class choose this book as their theme for the "Fall Celebration" parade that the school put on. (On a side note, am I the only one that thinks it's a little dumb we just can't celebrate Halloween anymore?)  Anyway, the kids had to dress up as characters in the book, either a peddler or a monkey. At first I thought L would want to be a monkey, but all the little boys in the class were so excited to dress up as peddlers!!!

It ended up being a pretty easy costume to throw together. I had a some dress pants and a vest for him so I just had to buy a bow tie and a cap and we ended up with the cutest little peddler every!!!

It was a pretty great day. Not only was this L2's bday, I also spent the morning helping out in L's class. I've been meaning to go in and volunteer forever and just hadn't gotten around to it, but I had a blast! I think I'm going to try to make it a weekly thing. Plus, L loved having me in the class. The fact that he was so proud to have his mama there melted me heart, and I know it won't always be like that so I'm going to soak in these moments while I can!!!

After the parade I went and picked L2 up early from school and then we went and got pizza for L'2 class and went and had lunch with them. L was pretty excited to show off L2 and tell everyone it was his birthday, and L2 got such a kick out of hanging out with the older kids!!!

(Seriously, isn't he adorable!?!?!)

Hope everyone had a great weekend! L2 has spirit week at school this week, we have two doctor appointments, and we have to get ready for Halloween and R's first birthday!!! It's going to be busy!!!

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