Thursday, December 5, 2013

One month!

I know I just posted when he was three weeks.... but, Oh my gosh, now he is one month!!!! One month! Time is going way to fast!

He is still nursing like a champ, and I have been pumping also. I pretty much have enough milk to feed a small country, so we have a nice little stash stored up in the freezer! I love this, because it means S can give a bottle right before bed. It gives me a little break, and it's some nice bonding time for Daddy and R. We did this for L also and it worked out well. He still has only had breast milk. I have no problem with formula, obviously we had to use it with L2, but I love nursing, and it is so much cheaper and easier than formula!

His fussy time tends to be the few hours before bedtime, the same as L and L2. He's for the most part pretty laid back, but he goes from 0-60 when he is hungry and/or needs a diaper change. He is still waking several times during the night, and he still prefers to sleep in our bed rather than his bassinet. We have managed to get him back in the bassinet for the first part of the night, but he always ends up in bed with me. Sometimes I end up just laying there, breathing him in and watching him sleep.

He's starting to be more awake, although he still sleeps most of the day. When he is awake he like to watch his brothers, mommy and daddy, and the fan and the light on the ceiling. We've started doing tummy time, and he doesn't love it. He usually gets mad enough that he manages to flip himself over to his back!

He's getting more expressions, and I swear I thought I saw a small smile today, although it might have been gas!

He also had his first movie going experience. He did great in the moby wrap and only woke up and fussed once to nurse. We saw frozen and the older boys loved it. I'm glad to know he does well for a whole movie in the moby.

And then I just had to share this picture because i think it's so cool. Obviously, I don't share full names on this blog, but ever since we picked R's name when I was pregnant I have joked that his full name sounds like a rockstars name. I think it's fitting that he's giving the "rock on" sign while he nurses in this picture!

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