Friday, August 23, 2013

28 weeks!

How far along: 28 weeks!!! Yay! 3rd trimester! The countdown is on!!!!
Maternity Clothes: Still squeezing into my jeans with a hairband, but definitely in maternity shirts! My non maternity workout clothes are still fine. I'm ready for the weather to cool down.... I'm going to be getting a pair of maternity skinnies, maternity leggings, and I have a couple cute maternity sweaters. I'm ready to start wearing them, it's just still way to freaking hot here!
What I miss: Nothing this week!
Exercise: It's getting harder and harder everyday, but I'm still pushing hard! I'm also trying to listen to my body though.... so even though my goal is still 3 miles (or more) every cardio session, I"m letting myself stop at 2 if I feel like my body is yelling at me! I jumped into a Pilate's/yoga class this week, which was OK. I like Pilate's, but at this stage in the pregnancy it's a little too much abs and core for me. I also tried a new power yoga class and really enjoyed it! Headstand at 7 months pregnant.... sure, why not! (I did have my Dr.s permission to continue doing inversion poses, as long as I have a spotter and can't fall, and don't hold it for too long!) My belly is starting to get in the way of some of the simpler moves, like lunges and forward fold, which is a little annoying!
Cravings: Still loving my Greek yogurt/granola/strawberry combo! So Yummy! 
Aversions: Nada. I feel hungry all the time!!!! I find myself cruising the pinterest food and drink board and just drooling!
Symptoms: Rib pain and pubic bone pain still getting worse. I hate this part. I love the kick and rolls though... and he is so strong! He's also still breech so I'm getting kicked in the bladder a lot! Maybe my headstands today will have helped him flip!
Labor Signs: Just the good old Braxton Hicks!
Best moments of this week: Finally being in the 3rd trimester! I guess it's time to actually start doing stuff, huh? With L and L2 I had everything ready to go so early and with this one I have done nothing except pull some clothes out of the attic and work on his blanket! We need to paint and get his nursery ready, wash and sort clothes, purchase a new pack and play, get an new car (mine only seats four!), buy a new breast pump... and pretty much everything else! I know we still have time, but I figure I should at least start crossing one this off my list every week! 

1 comment:

  1. Your pregnancy is flying...maybe not for you :) You look amazing! Kuddos to you for keeping up with the working out. I did as well, but man, once 30 weeks hit it was tough! I was not doing headstands like you. Can't wait to 'meet' baby!
