Thursday, May 26, 2016

End of the School Year!

Another school year has come to an end! It's crazy, and exciting and bittersweet. A big part of me is excited at the idea of sleeping in a little later, having a lot less things scheduled, staying up later, swimming all day, and eating lots of Popsicles just because we can!

Another part of me is terrified about what I'm going to do with all three of them, trapped inside all summer when the temperatures start to climb into the hundreds, and if I"m going to be able to simultaneously keep them entertained and myself sane.

But mostly I'm feeling equal amounts of sad and proud. I love seeing how far they have come in just one short year. I can't believe how quickly one short year has flown by, and how much they have changed. I'm excited about who they are becoming as they grow, but I'm sad about the my babies that they are leaving behind.

But here you go. We have a kindergarten graduate, L will start first grade next year. And L2 finished his second year of preschool and has one more year to go before he heads to kinder! (And R will most likely start preschool next year, although we haven't made definite plans yet!)

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