Oh, wait….. am I almost a week late?
We spent last weekend (Father's Day weekend) in California, which is the main reason this post is so late. Originally we were going to Cali this past weekend for Shaun's cousin's wedding, but had ended up having to decline the invitation. (No kids invited) We decided to go anyway to my in-laws house because my SIL and BIL would both be in town.
It was a nice little get-away, especially since the temps here are quickly climbing into the low 100's. The weather was perfect, the kids always love having time at Papa's house, and S and I got a chance to relax together.
One of our first activities was to go to Underwood Family Farms. We've been there a few times, but the kids love it, and this was baby R's first time. It is basically one of those "pick your own fruit" farms, but it has a ton of animals, a petting zoo, train rides and a big park. The big boys had a blast. We even took the "cow" train around all the fields…. L2 was a little unsure about this, so I ended up riding with him, but he ended up really liking it. (I, however, was incredibly squished in a tiny train car meant for a small child…. the things we do for our children!)
Of course we had to do a beach day. I was a little nervous about this. We taken L and L2 to the beach several times and they have never been that into it. They have both always been scared of the water, and as babies they hated the sand. This time was a pretty big success though. L was all about playing in the waves and trying to our run them, and R loved the sand and seemed to think it should be added to his regular eaten foods list. L2 was still not really having it….. but hey, two out of three isn't too bad!
This view….. I just can't get enough. I love the ocean.
My Handsome Hubby!
L2 protesting the beach by refusing to leave the rock he was sitting on. Eventually he did sit on the blanket and play in the sand a bit…. but he wasn't overly happy about it.
L chasing the waves. It was so cool to finally see the progression of him being scared of the waves to him having fun playing in them!
R is definitely our beach baby! By far the best "baby" experience we have had at the beach yet!
The wedding was on Saturday night, so while the rest of the family went our we stayed in, ordered pizza from our favorite place in California and took advantage of my in-laws HBO in-demand to catch up on True Blood. One of S's best friends ended up coming by with his girlfriend and we all hung out well into the night. Usually we try to do a date night out, but this was almost better!
For Father's Day we gave S his presents, (a nice bottle of Saki and a subscription to a beer magazine from me, and an adorable card "story book" from L and a card from the little boys) and then my MIL and I made eggs Benedict for breakfast. We had talked about going out for dinner, but my FIL is a pretty amazing cook so he ended up making steak and lobster for everyone. So yummy!
Papa and Daddy opening their Father's Day gifts!
It was a nice little vacation. I always stress out before we go (the packing! the cleaning!) but I always end up really enjoying myself once we were there. And i know it meant a lot to S to be able to see his brother and sister and to celebrate Father's Day with his family.
We're back now and just trying to get back into the swing of things. I'm looking forward to July to celebrate S's 30th birthday and have some family time for the fourth of July!
My family. These people, they are my world.
Truly the best daddy in the world. My boys are so lucky!
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