Thursday, November 1, 2018

Nine months!

Our sweet Miss C is nine months!!! 

She is all mama's girl these days, and I don't mind one bit! She has two teeth and is a fan of biting, which I am not a fan of.  She is still not a fan of naps unless she is sleeping on someone and still pretty much refuses to sleep in her crib.

We are still nursing, and it's going great. She is still waking up one or two times a night, but that is just because she wants to comfort nurse and come in the bed with us. This is a habit I know we need to start breaking, but since she is most likely our last baby I am going enjoy it while I can!

She has mastered the art of the speed crawl and is pulling up and cruising on everything! She is super close to walking and loves to get into things. She is definitely a little spoiled and has a house full of older brothers that love nothing more than to hold her and play with her and make her laugh. And she finds them hilarious! She has also started waving and clapping, which is beyond adorable.

She still goes by the nickname Char-asorous because if she is cranky she will definitely let you know! But she is also the sweetest and cuddliest baby, and we love her so, so much!

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