Sweet little miss C is ten months old! This is going way to fast for me, but man, we love this little girl so much and watching her grow is so fun.
She is so close to walking! Like, I really think any day now! She cruises around on the couch like it's nothing and has started only holding on with one hand! She is also into everything, and loves opening cupboards, sneaking into the playroom, and trying to climb the stairs!
She still has two teeth, but judging by the fussiness, drooling, red cheeks, and lack of sleep, I'm assuming more will be making their appearances soon. She is still exclusively breastfed, and eats purees and small bits of whatever we are eating. So far she is a great eater and has liked everything she has tried, but nursing is still her favorite! Right now we are going through a big attachment phase where so pretty much only wants me, which is very sweet but sometimes exhausting!
Sleep is.... well, it's sleep. We get some of it. She starts in her pack and play in our room but moves into our bed pretty quickly. Lately she is waking up several times a night to comfort nurse, which i know is something I need to work on breaking her of soon. But when it's two in the morning and you know you can be back asleep in five minutes if you let her have her way, it's hard not to give in!
She is the sweetest, cuddliest, smiliest baby, but if she's not please she will certainly let you know. She hates her crib (don't even try it!), hates going in the car seat, and hates being put down. She is also not a fan of naps unless she is laying on top of me! She a sassy, sweet little thing and we love her!
And lastly, a little side by side of ten months in vs. ten months out!