Tuesday, September 11, 2012

parks and running

So when I loaded these pictures onto blogger from my iPhone the other day I apparently hit "publish" instead of "save draft"..... so no, I'm not being totally lazy and just posting pictures, I just didn't mean to post this blog yet! With that being said, these pictures are pretty self explanatory!!!

Fall, Fall, FALL!!!! I wrote last time about how I"m craving it, and this week the weather in Phoenix has been beautiful and almost "fall like" (at least for Phoenix). We've had several days of storms, wonderfully overcast sky and breezes, cool morning and nights and temperatures that have only been getting into the 90's.  It makes for some lovely park weather where we can enjoy a snack on a blanket and then let L run around to hit hearts content without worrying about heat stroke!

L2 is having a little love affair with apple slices these days!

Daddy and L enjoying our picnic lunch!

L2 enjoying some of the park equipment.... about 2 second after I took this picture a group of bigger kids came barreling through this tunnel and almost took my poor babe out!

The park was fun, but L2 was worn out by the end!!!

And one of the best parts of the weather cooling down, especially the mornings? We've been able to start running outside again! It literally impossible to run outside in Phoenix in the summer (unless you go at like 3 in the morning and it's still usually 90+ degrees!) and I hate how much I feel like I lose when I have to switch to just gym workouts. I mean, I keep running on the treadmill and add in lots of cycling and yoga and Pilate's..... but I don't really think anything beats an outside or is as good of a workout. Luckily I don't think I lost too much this summer. I was doing between 4.5-5 miles each time I went out at the end of last spring and I've done 3 miles everyday this week. I think that's pretty good considering: 1) it's still fairly hot outside 2) I haven't run outside on a track in almost 4 months 3) I feel like my two kids in the jogger stroller and significantly heavier then they were 4 months ago!

My goal is to get back up to 4.5-5 in the next two weeks and then keep pushing it further after that! Wish me luck!!!!

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