Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Madison trip 2018

So, you all know we have our annual cousin/family trip every year where my sister and her family come and visit us, and that it's one of my favorite time of the year. Well, this year we decided it was our time to hop on a plane with all four of our kids and go visit them in Wisconsin. To say the kids were excited is an understatement.... they had literally been asking me how many days until the trip since January, and last week it was finally time to head to the airport!

(He was so excited!)

The flight actually went amazingly well. C slept pretty much the entire time and the boys took turns on the iPad and the kindle. There were no fight or tantrums and S and I were feeling pretty proud as the plane landed. And the, as we were waiting to de-board, R puked everywhere. So then we were that family with the puke covered kid. But we pulled it together, stripped him down, cleaned him up, and went on our way.

The first part of our trip was just having out in Madison. Sunday was Father's Day so we let the guys have a "guy's day" and my sister, mom and me took all the kids to a local splash pad. It was so nice to be outside in the middle of summer and not dying in 120 degree heat, and the kids had a blast and also tired themselves out!

We also had to take the kids ice skating, since that is a foreign concept to our kids. One of their cousins plays on a hockey team and we also got to see one of his games. It was pretty impressive. I think L, R and I made it around the ring about four times before we threw in the towel, and L2 refused to even put on skates!

Mid week we went up to the "River House", a cute little cabin in the woods that my sister, her husband and our parents own jointly. It was adorable, and so green, but the bugs were Killer! C and I stayed inside for the most part since she is too little for bug spray and because..... well, because I don't like bugs!

(braving the outside for a few moments!)

And everyone took turns holding her on the screened in porch, so it was kind of like she was outside!

But really, most of the trip was spent sitting on the front porch, enjoy the beautiful weather, drinking cold beers and spending much needed time with family. 

And napping.....

But really, my sister lives in an awesome little neighborhood and the kids got out scooters and bikes and went up and down the street while they made memories that I hope will stay with them forever. Don't get me wrong, they also spent a lot of time enconssed in the basement playing video games, all of them taking advantage of the fact that all of us adults enjoyed the peace and quiet and were giving them a lot more leeway than normal.

Our last day took us to their downtown Farmer's market, where I fell even more in love with this amazingly progressive city. Seriously, I felt like I had found my people walking around there! We walked around with the kids and got some goodies and then my mom, sister, niece and I spent some time shopping.

It was the perfect trip and I'm so glad we were able to pull it together this year. Traveling with four kids is no joke, but it was worth every second of insanity. We all can't wait to go back!

See you next time, Madison!

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