How far along: 10 weeks
Maternity Clothes: Nope! My clothes all fit fine, although my tummy is definitely getting a little rounder/fuller.It especially look bigger at the end of the day, and I think if you know me and know what I normally look like it looks like I'm starting to show a little! Still haven't gained any weight though! (I'm happy about this because I think I gained about 10-12 pounds in just the first trimester the last two times!)
Movement: Not yet! I can't wait to feel this little one move!
Sleep: Oh my gosh, just so exhausted. I feel like the fatigue really hit me this week. I wake up tired, I nap during the day when the boys nap, and then I fall into bed at night! I'm sleeping pretty good, but I can't believe how much I have to get up to pee already! I made S switch me sides of the bed so I was closer to the bathroom!
What I miss: Being pregnant is starting to feel like the new normal, so I"m not missing stuff as much. Don't get me wrong, I'd love a glass of wine, some sushi and a hot bubble bath, but I don't feel like I miss them as much anymore!
Exercise: Running or speed walking a steep interval about 3 miles everyday. I've still been doing yoga, Pilate's and some light weights. The last couple weeks have been hectic and I haven't been getting to the gym as much as I would like, but next week we should be back on a normal schedule!
Cravings: Food is slowly starting to gain back some of it's appeal, but I wouldn't say I was really craving anything yet. More like I'm tentatively starting to enjoy eating again!
Aversions: Nothing major sticks out right now. Some things sound good and some things sound awful and those things can change on a minute to minute basis!
Symptoms: Knock on wood, the morning sickness still seems to be getting better. I've only been taking like one anti nauseous pill a day, and dinner is really the only meal I"m having trouble keeping down. Very tired this week and still majorly hormonal. Also got a little bit of a bump coming through!
Labor Signs: Nope
Best moments of this week: Coming home after a wonderful trip and having another ultrasound where I got to see my little one kicking and flipping and moving all about!
How far along: 11 weeks
Maternity Clothes: The tummy is definitely starting to show, especially at night and in certain clothes. I still haven't gained any weight though and all my normal clothes still fit. Again, I still feel like I just look fat or like I had a big lunch, but I can't complain too much because I know my jeans were not buttoning at 11 weeks with either of the boys!
Sleep: sleeping good and still napping a lot, although this getting up to pee thing is already getting old!
What I miss: Being pregnant is starting to feel like the new normal, so I"m not missing stuff as much. Don't get me wrong, I'd love a glass of wine, some sushi and a hot bubble bath, but I don't feel like I miss them as much anymore!
Exercise: Finally did a full week of good, uninterrupted workouts this week! 3 miles everyday, alternating between the treadmill and elliptical (I'm starting to have that pubic bone/ spreading pain. If you have ever been pregnant you know what I'm talking about, so the elliptical has been a little more comfortable!) Got in three good yoga classes this week and a spin class!
Cravings: Honestly, the thought of stuff isn't really making me sick anymore, but I just don't have much of an appetite. With L and L2 it seemed like I was always craving something, but this time I almost feel like I have to force myself to eat just so I won't feel sick. Nothing really sounds amazing.
Aversions: Nothing major sticks out right now. Some things sound good and some things sound awful and those things can change on a minute to minute basis!
Symptoms: Morning sickness still seems to be winding down, although it is still there. Nights are still the time I'm most likely to feel sick and I still feel better if I stick to bland and small meals. Every time I eat something rich or a big portion I usually end up throwing up. Still super tired and starting to feel a little achy as my tummy grows! Also, I've been getting some major headaches, which is new!
Labor Signs: Nope
Best moments of this week: We had a good ultrasound this week (for the NT scan) and got to see our little peanut kicking and waving and swimming around, and we finally heard the heartbeat over the Doppler! Also, S and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary and celebrated by getting a babysitter and going to the Melting Pot for dinner! (Super yummy, and I kept it down! Yay!) It was a good week!
How far along: 12 weeks
Maternity Clothes: The tummy is definitely starting to show, especially at night and in certain clothes. All of my regular clothes are still fitting though, and my jeans still button! (Yay!) At the beginning of this week my scale told me I was up 4 pounds and I had a mild panic attack. I mean, I know I'm going to be gaining weight but 4 pounds in a week seems like a big jump! However by the end of the week my scale was back down 3 pounds, so I'm going to say I've only gained 1 pound so far! I honestly think the reason it was up so much at the beginning of the week is because we had that huge yummy dinner and the Melting Pot the night before and I think I was probably a little bloated!
Sleep: sleeping good and still napping a lot, although this getting up to pee thing is already getting old! Also, I can fall asleep in an instant during the day, but I've been starting to toss and turn a little at night.
What I miss: Being pregnant is starting to feel like the new normal, so I"m not missing stuff as much. Don't get me wrong, I'd love a glass of wine, some sushi and a hot bubble bath, but I don't feel like I miss them as much anymore!
Exercise: Back to the normal! 3 miles on the treadmill or elliptical and two good yoga classes! I missed one day this week because L was up the night before throwing up!
Cravings: Still really no appetite. I'm mostly eating cereal, apples, pudding, cheese and water.
Aversions: Nothing major sticks out right now. Some things sound good and some things sound awful and those things can change on a minute to minute basis!
Symptoms: Morning sickness still seems to be winding down, although it is still there. Nights are still the time I'm most likely to feel sick and I still feel better if I stick to bland and small meals. Every time I eat something rich or a big portion I usually end up throwing up. Still super tired and starting to feel a little achy as my tummy grows! Also, I've been getting some major headaches, which is new!
Labor Signs: Nope
Best moments of this week: I switched the boys to a new pediatrician, which I'm really happy about. I haven't been satisfied with our for awhile, but I'm awful about not making changes or speaking up because I don't want to hurt any ones feelings. Like, if I get a horrible haircut, I can never tell the hairdresser I don't like it and to fix it, I just go home and be mad about it! But I finally switched them and I love their new doctor. We also had a baby Dr appointment and had an in office ultrasound so we got to see our little one! (I'm so lucky my Dr has an in office ultra sound machine... I'm pretty spoiled with how often we get to check in with our baby!) He also took a guess at what the gender might be..... but I"m not going to say anything until we get something more concrete!
How far along: 13 weeks
Maternity Clothes: The tummy is definitely starting to show, especially at night and in certain clothes. All of my regular clothes are still fitting though, and my jeans still button! (Yay!) My weight is still holding at a 1 lb weight gain (Although considering I lost like five pounds right at the beginning due to horrible morning sickness, I'm still technically down four pounds!)
Sleep: sleeping good and still napping a lot, although still having some tossing and turning at night!
What I miss: nothing this week!
Exercise: Back to the normal! 3 miles on the treadmill or elliptical and two good yoga classes!
Cravings: Still really no appetite. I'm mostly eating cereal, apples, pudding, cheese and water.
Aversions: Nothing major sticks out right now. Some things sound good and some things sound awful and those things can change on a minute to minute basis!
Symptoms: Morning sickness still seems to be winding down, although it is still there. Nights are still the time I'm most likely to feel sick and I still feel better if I stick to bland and small meals. Every time I eat something rich or a big portion I usually end up throwing up. Still super tired and starting to feel a little achy as my tummy grows! headaches got better this week!
Labor Signs: Nope
Best moments of this week: leaving for our trip to California getting to tell S's family that we were expecting! We gave them a present from the boys,and inside was an ultrasound pic! It took them a second, but they were super excited for us! I'm so proud of myself for keeping this secret!
How far along: 14 weeks
Maternity Clothes: The tummy is there. Not quite enough for people to ask if I'm pregnant, but enough that I have been getting a lot of sidelong glances at my tummy! All of my regular clothes are still fitting though, and my jeans still button! (Yay!) My weight is still holding at a 1 lb weight gain!
Sleep: sleeping good and not feeling as exhausted during the day, so I haven't been napping as much!
What I miss: I missed wine this week! Mostly because we were on vacation and I would have liked to sit with my mother in law and enjoy a glass of wine and/or hang out with S and his friends and have a beer! We also attended a wedding, and no champagne for me!
Exercise: Made it a few days for cardio and one yoga class this week, but not much since we were in Cali until Tuesday!
Cravings: Still really no appetite. I'm mostly eating cereal, apples, pudding, cheese and water and my newest obsession: Chicken sandwiches!
Aversions: Nothing major sticks out right now. Some things sound good and some things sound awful and those things can change on a minute to minute basis!
Symptoms: I really have no nauseous during the the day anymore, but I still get sick if I eat anything too big or complex. I had a wicked case of allergies/ a cold this week, and that was miserable. There is nothing worse than being pregnant and sick! Also feeling some round ligament pain!
Labor Signs: Nope
Best moments of this week: It was such a good week! We enjoyed the remainder of our time in California, and told a few of S's friends our big news! (I'm still holding out on telling my friends, at this point I kind of want to wait until we know the sex!) When we got back from California, we had literally been home for maybe 20 minutes when the doorbell rang and it was my parents and some good family friends of ours! They drove up for a surprise visit and we got to spend a few days with them! Also we had another doctor app and ultrasound on Friday and baby is looking strong and healthy!
How far along: 15 weeks
Maternity Clothes: I still fit in all of my regular clothes, and trust me, no one is more shocked than me that my jeans are still buttoning! I was definitely in maternity clothes by now the last two times! The shirt in the picture above is maternity, but that is more out of comfort than necessity. It's long and comfy and seemed a good fit to go with leggings!
Sleep: sleeping good and not feeling as exhausted during the day, so I haven't been napping as much!
What I miss: Not too much this week. Maybe just having more of an appetite!
Exercise: Back to my regular yoga and treadmill/elliptical routine! Still getting in a good 3 miles of cardio each time, but I have noticed in yoga that it is getting more uncomfortable to do tummy stuff!
Cravings: Still really no appetite. I'm mostly eating cereal, apples, pudding, cheese and water... my chicken sandwich cravings seems to be gone.
Aversions: Nothing major sticks out right now. Some things sound good and some things sound awful and those things can change on a minute to minute basis!
Symptoms: I really have no nauseous during the the day anymore, but I still get sick if I eat anything too big or complex. Still getting some headaches and more round ligament pain.
Labor Signs: Nope
Best moments of this week: This week was a tough one. We are dealing with some medical stuff with L2 and is is scary. We're getting closer to finding out some answers, but the stress combined with pregnancy hormones has made me a pretty big emotional mess this week. Looking forward to finding out some answers though and moving forward! Also, S is leaving on Friday for Chico for 2 days for his brothers college graduation so he will be gone for two days. I'm happy he is getting to go, but like I said, it's been a hard week and I'm kind of dreading two days with out my biggest support system.
How far along: 16 weeks
Maternity Clothes: Still in regular jeans, although at this point I feel like most of them are one good wash away from being to snug! I definitely have a little bump now, and I've busted out a few maternity shirts for their comfort factor!
Sleep: Sleep is good, and energy is still going up, although I did succumb to naps a few times this week! For some reason that 2:00 pm hour hits me and I am exhausted!
What I miss: Nothing really this week!
Exercise: It was a short week since Monday was a holiday, (Memorial Day) and Friday L2 had an early therapy session so I had to skip the gym. I did get in one really good yoga class, a spin class and two good treadmill sessions!
Cravings: My appetite slowly seems to be coming back ,and more and more food is sounding good! According to my Dr appointment this week I was back down a pound, so as of now I'm back at 0 lbs weight gain, but I'm sure it's about to start piling on as my appetite kicks into gear. I totally made S stop at See's candy for me this week and pick up some chocolates for me!!!! (And they were delicious!)
Aversions: Nothing sounds really bad anymore, but it can still be hit or miss as to what makes me feel sick. I still have to make sure I'm not eating anything too rich or too big!
Symptoms: We have some baby kicks! They are still pretty faint, but especially when I'm laying down I can feel them. Also definitely starting to get a little more achy. They pubic bone pain is especially starting to kick in, especially after a hard workout or a long day on my feet. Also, I've been getting very light headed if I stand up from sitting or laying too quickly!
Labor Signs: Nope
Best moments of this week: This week was a pretty great one, which I needed after our hard week last week. First it was short and S was home with us on Monday, which always makes things better. We had two good therapy sessions with L2 and finally got him set up with a new speech therapist... and I loved her! And the absolute best part of my week?!?! We had a Dr appointment on Friday and we found out we're having a....... GIRL!!!!!! I'm sooooo excited, words can't even explain!
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