How far along: 19 weeks!
Maternity Clothes: Still no maternity clothes! My jeans are getting a little snug in the waist now, and I'm up two pounds!
Sleep: Sleeping well, except if I lay in a position the baby doesn't like, I get lots of kicks!
What I miss: Nothing this week!
Exercise: It was a good gym week! 5 solid days of 3.5 miles on the treadmill, two regular yoga classes, and one power yoga class!
Cravings: Um.... maybe ice cream. And bananas!
Aversions: Nothing really. My appetite is definitely coming back with a vengeance! Uh Oh!
Symptoms: More and more baby kicks, and I'm starting to get a little uncomfortable!
Labor Signs: Nope
Best moments of this week: Well, we had a surprising end to the week! We went in for our doctors appointment and he did an ultrasound (My doc has a little ultrasound machine in the office, so I get one pretty much every time I go in!) and...... he now thinks he might have seen something between the legs!!! What!!!! We were pretty shocked, needless to say! Turns out our little "girl" might actually be a boy! At this point we don't know. He didn't want to say anything for sure, and we have our big 20 week, 3-d ultrasound at the end of this week. I think he was pretty shocked too! He said he would have bet money on our last ultrasound that it was girl and that there was nothing there! But this time there was something there and he just wasn't sure if it was a "something" or the cord! I'm not going to lie, I was a little disappointed, just because we were so excited to finally be getting our girl, but really, I just want to know. Everything that we have dealing with with L2 has really put things in perspective, and while I would love a daughter, the most important thing is a happy and healthy baby! I will have some clothes to return though, if this trickster does turn out to be a boy!
So at our 20 week ultrasound the tech kept referring to the baby as a 'he' and I for sure thought I saw something in between the legs, turns out it was just the umbilical cord. So you never know :) But like you say as long as baby is healthy!