Sunday, June 16, 2013

18 weeks

How far along: 18 weeks! (I'm actually 19 weeks as of yesterday, when I'm typing this. I try to take my picture and do my post towards the end of each week, but this week kind of got away from me!)
Maternity Clothes: Still no maternity clothes! My jeans are getting a little snug in the waist now, and my weight has been fluctuating up and down a few pounds this week. It's hard for me to see that number on the scale move up, even though I know that's what is suppose to happen!
Sleep: I am sleeping really well, minus having to get up and pee! Officially having to sleep on my side with the boppy pillow now!
What I miss: Nothing this week!
Exercise: I only made it to the gym 3 days this week, because Lucas had appointments on two of the days. On Friday I joined some girl friends for a Pure Barre class. It was my first one and it kicked my butt, but it was super fun!
Cravings: See's Chocolate!
Aversions: Nothing really. My appetite is definitely coming back with a vengeance! Uh Oh!
Symptoms: More and more baby kicks! Still not strong enough for S to feel them, but they are becoming way more consistent!
Labor Signs: Nope
Best moments of this week: This was a hard week. We had to take L2 to the hospital twice for some tests, and that is never fun. He hated it and I hated it, and it was very draining. On the bright side though, we finally are getting some answers, and they were the answers we were hoping for! While our wish would be to never have to deal with anything like this, I'm glad we are finally on the right path to a solution! 

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