Aaahhhh!!!! Guess what?!!? Yep, you guessed it..... Baby #3 is on the way!!! I'm starting my "pregnancy journal" on the blog now, because I really want to keep up with weekly updates. I did pretty good job with L2, but I'd like to be more consistent with this one. I'm also stealing my friend
Crystals layout that she used for her last pregnancy! (Hope that's OK, Crystal!) With all that being said...... we are really, really
really trying to keep this thing a secret for a little bit longer this time. Have I mentioned before how incredibly awful I am at keeping secrets? But we would ideally like to wait until after the first trimester to announce it, and I've been kind of throwing around the idea of trying to wait until we find out what the baby is (around 16 weeks) so we can just announce that! We have two big hurdles in the secret keeping coming up soon. First we have my
whole family (mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, nephews and niece) coming to visit next week and staying for two whole weeks. My moms going to notice if i"m turning down wine or the opportunity to go out to sushi, and she will also notice if I've gained any weight or am sick! S and I have come up with a few game plans, so I'm hoping we can pull it off! After that we are flying into Reno for one of my best friends weddings, so not only will we have to face my mom and dad again since we will be staying with them, we will be dealing with
all my friends. And considering my friends are ready to let loose and party at this reunion, they are going to notice if I don't join in the festivities! (Again, we have some game plans in place. Think ordering sprite in a rock glass to look like a gin and tonic!) And besides all that, I also have no idea when I am going to start showing. I remember with Lucas I felt like I started showing really early, so we will just have to see if I can pull it off as some extra weight gain and not a baby! So anyway, I'm just going to keep adding my weekly updates into this post (If it gets insanely long I'll break it up into two or three posts) but it won't actually be posted until the cat is out of the bag! So, if you're reading this, and we actually made it to 12 (or 16!!!) weeks without telling anyone, this might be the worlds longest post!!
OK, here we go! 5 week update!
How far along: 5 weeks!
Maternity Clothes: Nope! I actually think my clothes are fitting a bit looser this week, since I haven't had much of an appetite. However by the end of the day I feel like my tummy is already looking a little rounder!
Movement: Not yet! I can't wait to feel this little one move!
Sleep: I've been super tired, so falling asleep hasn't been an issue. I've been waking up around 4 every night to pee (really? Already?!!?) and then I have some trouble falling back asleep!
What I miss: Wine, deli meat, sushi, hot bubble baths
Exercise: Running or speed walking a steep interval about 3 miles everyday. I would like to up it to 4, since I know I"ll have to bring it back down later in the pregnancy! weight lifting, Pilate's and yoga.
Cravings: Fruit mostly, with the odd sweet craving here and there and, strangely, pizza. Hawaiian pizza to be exact. With my last two pregnancy my cravings were all about sugar (not fruit!) and pizza was probably my biggest aversion!
Aversions: Chicken! And that is a big dinner time staple in our house! Yuck, the sight, taste and thought of it make me feel queasy!
Symptoms: I've been feeling extra tired. Some sickness, but nothing compared to the last two (knock on wood, I hope it stays this way!) Usually if I eat something too rich or filling, or if I let myself get too hungry I feel a little nauseous.
Labor Signs: Nope
Best moments of this week: Just being in a state of excitement/shock that this is happening again! Seeing S be excited (and a little shocked)! We were planning on trying for number 3 sometime in the next few months, so its not a huge surprise.... but we definitely didn't expect it to happen right away!
How far along: 6 weeks!
Maternity Clothes: Nope! I actually think my clothes are fitting a bit looser this week, since I haven't had much of an appetite. However by the end of the day I feel like my tummy is already looking a little rounder!
Movement: Not yet! I can't wait to feel this little one move!
Sleep: I've been super tired, but I have been a little bit of trouble falling asleep this week. Lot's of tossing and turning before I finally crash! I've been waking up around 4 every night to pee (really? Already?!!?) and then I have some trouble falling back asleep!
What I miss: Wine, deli meat, sushi, hot bubble baths, feeling like a normal human being who doesn't feel like they are going to puke every second of the day! (Can you tell my morning sickness kicked in big time this week?!)
Exercise: Running or speed walking a steep interval about 3 miles everyday. I maintained my three miles everyday, but never pushed it to 4. I also did a spin class one day, which was an awesome workout, but I felt like I was going to vomit pretty much the whole class! I've still been doing yoga, Pilate's and some light weights. Honestly, with how crappy I feel I'm pretty proud of myself for still making it to the gym and pushing through my workouts!
Cravings: Fruit mostly, with the odd sweet craving here and there and, strangely, pizza. Hawaiian pizza to be exact. With my last two pregnancy my cravings were all about sugar (not fruit!) and pizza was probably my biggest aversion! I've been having cravings for some other random food ( a hamburger, tacos, salad).... but pretty much as soon as I eat it I throw it up and it gets added to my list of aversions! Trying to stick to fruit because it doesn't make me puke!
Aversions: Chicken! And that is a big dinner time staple in our house! Yuck, the sight, taste and thought of it make me feel queasy!
Symptoms: Oh, oh oh.... the sickness. Honestly, what jackass named it morning sickness? They should have named it "misery". Or "I dare you to try to eat sickness". Or "every waking moment feeling like you're going to puke sickness". I was so optimistic last week because I was feeling OK, but I dare say this might be even worse than the last two. I'm pretty much only keeping down fruit and crackers right now and I just want to curl up on the couch most of the day.... not an option obviously with the two boys. I finally caved and called my Dr for a prescription of Zofran, even though I really hate taking anything in the first trimester. I"m trying to only take it when it gets so bad I'm not able to function. I'm also more worried now about trying to keep this a secret from my family next week, with me running to the bathroom every 5 minutes! Oh and did I mention we have a big, two day, camping trip planned? Yeah, hot dogs and sleeping in a car sound really appealing right now!
Labor Signs: Nope
Best moments of this week: Honestly, this week was a hard one. I feel like the morning sickness and all the crazy hormones hit me at once, making me a miserable and moody mama! Seriously, bless my husband for doing this three times with me! One second I'm starving, the next second I'm puking. One second I love him more than anything, the next second I'm super mad at him.... you get the picture! Obviously we are still super excited, and we know that this comes with the territory and will pass, but right now it feels a little overwhelming. I'm emotional because I feel like I'm not being a "good enough" mom to the boys, I feel like I"m not being a "good enough" wife and I don't feel like myself! Again, I know this will pass, so right now I"m just trying to ride out these few hard weeks and looking forward to my family visiting!
How far along: 7 Weeks! ( I don't know why it's so hard to see the 7 in this picture! It was really bad lighting!)
Maternity Clothes: Nope! I actually think my clothes are fitting a bit looser this week, since I haven't had much of an appetite. However by the end of the day I feel like my tummy is already looking a little rounder!
Movement: Not yet! I can't wait to feel this little one move!
Sleep: I've been super tired, and have been sleeping better this week than I was last week. Still waking up to pee around 4 and then I've been pretty much wide awake by 6 every morning!.
What I miss: Wine, deli meat, sushi, hot bubble baths, feeling like a normal human being who doesn't feel like they are going to puke every second of the day! (Can you tell my morning sickness kicked in big time this week?!)
Exercise: Exercises was minimum this week, since I had family in town. I made it to the gym I think three time!
Cravings: Honestly, nothing. I cannot believe how sick I am. I was sick with both the boys, but this time I am literally throwing up everything. I'm hungry all the time, but nothing sounds good. The doctor prescribed me some zofran, which helps mildly but wears off really quickly.
Aversions: Pretty much everything. And anything that at one point sounded good, but then I ate and then inevitably through up, will now turn my stomach just at the thought. Even driving past billboards with pictures of food make me feel queasy.
Symptoms: So sick. Oh so sick. Miserably sick. I just want to feel normal again!
Labor Signs: Nope
Best moments of this week: Having my family get here and telling them out big news!!! (Yeah, yeah, I know. I was dead set on keeping it a secret. But I did mention I'm a horrible secret keeper right?) Honestly, I kept it in the first few days but I was just so sick there was no way. Within like an hour of my mom being here she was asking if I was alright and saying I was acting funny. And when I thought about it, it was too special to be able to tell them all together in person to pass up that moment. They were all super excited for us, and I got lots of (much needed) sympathy from my mom and sister over my morning sickness. I mean, I got sympathy from everyone, and S had been wonderful, but sometimes you just need to talk to people who have actually experienced it!
How far along: 8 Weeks! (Please excuse this horrendous picture of me! No makeup, hair not washed.... I'm a mess!)
Maternity Clothes: Nope! My clothes all fit fine, although my tummy is defidently getting a little rounder/fuller. I don't look pregnant..... I look like a had a really big dinner. Actually, I think I look like I have the mommy pouch that I have worked my butt off after two pregnancies to make sure I don't have! If you're a mama you know what I mean.... It's a little hard on the self esteem, but I know soon enough I will look preggo and not just chubby!
Movement: Not yet! I can't wait to feel this little one move!
Sleep: I've been super tired, and have been sleeping better this week than I was last week. Still waking up to pee around 4 and then I've been pretty much wide awake by 6 every morning!. I've also been laying down for naps a lot more when the boys nap!
What I miss: Wine, deli meat, sushi, hot bubble baths, feeling like a normal human being who doesn't feel like they are going to puke every second of the day! (Can you tell my morning sickness kicked in big time this week?!)
Exercise: Running or speed walking a steep interval about 3 miles everyday. I maintained my three miles everyday, but still haven't pushed it to 4. I've still been doing yoga, Pilate's and some light weights. Honestly, with how crappy I feel I'm pretty proud of myself for still making it to the gym and pushing through my workouts!
Cravings: Honestly, nothing. I cannot believe how sick I am. I was sick with both the boys, but this time I am literally throwing up everything. I'm hungry all the time, but nothing sounds good. The doctor prescribed me some zofran, which helps mildly but wears off really quickly. The doctor did say I could take the Zofran every six hours as opposed to every twelve, which has helped a bit!
Aversions: Pretty much everything. And anything that at one point sounded good, but then I ate and then inevitably through up, will now turn my stomach just at the thought. Even driving past billboards with pictures of food make me feel queasy.
Symptoms: So sick. Oh so sick. Miserably sick. I just want to feel normal again!
Labor Signs: Nope
Best moments of this week: Having our first ultrasound and seeing our little peanuts hearbeat! Our doctors appointment was actually on April 1st (April Fools Day) and I was so tempted to have the doctor say it was twins to freak S out..... but then I thought it might be too mean! After all, I don't want to give the poor guy a heart attack!
How far along: 9 Weeks
Maternity Clothes: Nope! My clothes all fit fine, although my tummy is definitely getting a little rounder/fuller. Still haven't gained any weight though!
Movement: Not yet! I can't wait to feel this little one move!
Sleep: I've been super tired, and have been sleeping better this week than I was last week. Still waking up to pee around 4 and then I've been pretty much wide awake by 6 every morning!. I've also been laying down for naps a lot more when the boys nap!
What I miss: Wine, deli meat, sushi, hot bubble baths, feeling like a normal human being who doesn't feel like they are going to puke every second of the day! (Can you tell my morning sickness kicked in big time this week?!)
Exercise: Running or speed walking a steep interval about 3 miles everyday. I maintained my three miles everyday, but still haven't pushed it to 4. I've still been doing yoga, Pilate's and some light weights. The last couple weeks have been hectic and I haven't been getting to the gym as much as I would like! I'm looking forward to getting back to a regular routine!
Cravings: The morning sickness was mildly better this week. I've pretty much still been puking up dinner every night, but I've been keeping down lunch! Baby steps, right? The problem right now is if I eat really small, bland meals they don't make me nauseous, but they don't fill me up so I get hungry which in turn makes me feel nauseous. And on the flip side, If I eat enough to feel full, it's pretty much inevitable that it will make a return appearance! Ugh, ready for this part to be done!
Aversions: Pretty much everything. And anything that at one point sounded good, but then I ate and then inevitably through up, will now turn my stomach just at the thought. Even driving past billboards with pictures of food make me feel queasy.
Symptoms: Sick and tired and MAJOR ELY hormonal! Poor S. I feel way more emotional and moody this time around than I think I was the last two times!
Labor Signs: Nope
Best moments of this week: Having at least a slight reprieve in the morning sickness, and getting ready for our trip to Reno for a friends wedding!