We live in a four bedroom house, but our plan has always been to have L and L2 room together and give the new baby the old nursery. First of all, I don't want to give up my guest room, and second of all I think it will be good for the boys to share a room. I want them to create those memories of together. We knew we needed to make the transition fairly soon, as there were going to be several factors to consider. First of all, L2 is still in the crib right now, and we need that crib for the new baby. L's bed is technically part of a bunk bed set that can be used as two separate beds, so we have a big boy bed for L2, I just don't think he's quite big enough for it yet. And finally we had to make sure that this was going to work, that they would tolerate rooming together and not keep themselves (and everyone else in the house) awake all night.
We decided that the best plan of action was to use the the day weekend to move L2's crib into L's room and at least get them used to sharing. We figured if that worked in a few weeks we would turn the crib into a toddler bed and see how L2 did with that. If that went over fine then by mid October we should be able to make a decision as to whether he was ready to try the big bed or if we should buy a toddler bed for him.
I'm not going to lie, I was nervous. I figured the would be waking each other up and not letting each other go back to sleep. I thought L would be annoyed with L2 invading his space. I was worried they would end up waking each other (and me) up at the crack of dawn.
It went so smoothly.
Honestly, I was shocked. We're on night five and they have had no problem going to sleep at night and they both have still been sleeping until 7:30. Naps have been fine too. L is pretty hit or miss on if he actually sleeps, but he knows he has to stay in his room and be quite and read or play until it's time to get up. The only big difference is when they wake up from nap time they spend about 20 minutes "talking" and laughing and being crazy with each other before I come in and get them. I think they're actually kind of digging sharing a room!
I'm actually feeling pretty unprepared for this baby. I mean, this is my third, I know we have everything we need, and honestly babies really don't need much for the first few months. But with L and L2, at this point in my pregnancies, I was ready to go. Baby clothes were washed, the nursery was done, hospital bag was starting to get packed. Not so much this time. I have pulled some clothes out of storage, but that's about it. We need to do the nursery (yes we are redoing the nursery again to personalize it for this baby!), a lot of stuff needs to come down from storage, stuff needs to be washed and sterilized.... you get the idea.
I feel a little accomplished that we moved the boys in together, that was definitely the first step to getting things done. Next I need to transfer all of L2's to L's room and organize everything. This weekend I finally made myself a list (I love lists.... I know, it's weird) I'm figuring if I can cross one or two things of every week I should be good to go by the time this babe gets here!
The one thing I have gotten done for baby is I finished his blanket. I have made a special blanket for each of my boys, so of course this one is no different! I just learned to do the Chevron pattern a few months ago, and I used the same color theme we will be using in the new nursery (light grey and powder blue). I love it and I'm very happy with the way it turned out!
I had some leftover yarn so I also made him a cute little hat that I"m going to pack in the hospital bag!!!!
I know I probably say the exact same thing this time every year, but I'll say it again: I am so sick of the hot weather and I am so ready for fall. This year the fall craving is coming on especially strong because fall=baby. Growing up in Northern Nevada, where we have four pretty distinct seasons, I don't remember craving the fall like this. In fact, I remember mourning the end of summer as the days got shorter and the weather cooled down. But now, living in a place where the temp are still in the 100's and "sweater weather" doesn't even seem like a possibility, I desperately want for fall weather. I want to wear boot and sweaters and cozy pj pants. I've stocked up on pumpkin scented candles and the pumpkin spice lotion at Bath and Body Works. I totally get when people get excited about the release of the pumpkin spice latte, even though I'm more of a fan of the gingerbread latter or the salted Carmel mocha. (But pumpkin beer? Bring it on. I love the fall seasonal releases of all the beer flavors. I told S I want some waiting for me when I get home from the hospital!) I'm looking so forward to the day when the temps here fall enough that I can put my boys in some cute sweaters and we can finally turn off the AC.
So for now, we're faking it until it becomes reality.And I really hope it become a reality quick!
So that's it for now. That's pretty much what we've been up to! I'll be back later this week for our 30 week pregnancy update and to start counting down these last 10 weeks!
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