Saturday, September 14, 2013

31 weeks

How far along: 31 weeks!
Maternity Clothes: My Old Navy maternity jean purchase was definitely a good one! I have been wearing them all the time (along with leggings) and they are so comfortable! The shorts in this weeks picture are actually my non-maternity shorts, held up with a hair tie, because we had L's birthday party outside at a park today and it was just too hot to wear jeans. I figured I could go the dress route or maxi skirt, but I decided to try these on and see if they would work and they were fine except I can't button them! Thank goodness for the hair tie trick!
What I miss: Laying on my stomach!
Exercise: I only made it in two days this week, which I feel super guilty about, but I'm trying to give myself a break. We ended up being invited to play dates on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and while I knew it meant I would miss my gym session I decided to say yes to all three. First, the boys love play dates. Second, I love having a chance to hang out with other moms, and third, I need to be able to say no. I have a hard time with feelings of guilt when I miss even a day at the gym and I don't want that drive (which overall I think is a good thing) to turn negative. So this week I relaxed and am going to be OK with fitting in two good sessions. Next week I should be back to my normal 4-5, but if something else come up, that's fine too!
Cravings: So many different things sound good. Random things. Like the other night, out of the blue, I was like "I really want waffles with Nutella!" Lol, luckily we didn't have either of those things in the house!
Aversions: Nothing! Hungry all the time!
Symptoms: Rib pain is still just getting worse. It freaking sucks. It seriously is soooo painful. Lot's a kicks, but also lot's of times when I can feel like he is just rolling or stretching out! More pressure and my feet hurt at the end of the day!
Labor Signs: Just the good old Braxton Hicks and some pressure!
Best moments of this week: Having three play dates, one with new friends and one with an old friend! I love feeling connected to other moms! Also the weather at the beginning of this week was amazing. Rainy and cloudy and cooler temps. We even got to sleep with the windows open! Makes me feel like fall might actually make an appearance!

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