Our little blue eyed girl is five months old! She is still incredibly happy and easygoing, although she still lets her dissatisfaction be known if she gets hungry, tired, spends too long on her tummy, or is stuck in the car seat for too long.
We are still breastfeeding on demand, but will probably start introducing foods when she hits six months. She automatically flips onto her tummy when you lay her on her back, although she hasn't quite mastered rolling back over to her back when she gets sick of it. Instead she just screams at us until someone either flips her back or picks her up. She can sit up for a few seconds by herself and she loves the new playmat we got her and bouncing in her bouncer. She's also pushing up tall on her forearms when she is on her tummy and starting to pull her knees under her.
She is still sleeping with us, and sleep is about the same. She wakes up once during the night and then in the early morning hours, although lately when she wakes up around 5:30am she wants to stay up, which mama doesn't love
This month she had two big firsts: her first airplane ride, and her first time being sick. She did amazing on the airplane, both ways. she slept pretty much the whole time, fussed only a little bit, and was easily comforted by nursing. But on our last day of vacation we noticed she was being fussy and we realized she was running a low fever of 101. It came down pretty easily with Tylenol, but you could tell she didn't feel great. By the next day, when we flew home, I started seeing the telltale spots, and sure enough when I took her to the Dr. Monday she was diagnosed with Hand/foot/mouth. All of our kids have had it, and thankfully none of them have ever had really bad case, her included. The worst part, besides them being uncomfortable, is that it is super contagious and so we have been pretty much quarantined since we got home from vacation. Luckily she seems to be pretty much over it now, and no one else seems to have picked it up.
Anyway, she is pretty much still the sweetest little thing ever and she gets prettier by the day. We are loving watching her personality develop and I love seeing how she has her brothers and her Daddy wrapped around her little finger!
Happy five month, baby girl!
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