A quick pregnancy update! I'll be 35 weeks in two days, and I am definitely at the point in this pregnancy where I no longer feel cute, I just feel huge and uncomfortable! Overall, things are good though. The baby is still sitting really high, which makes the whole breathing thing really difficult at times! But he or she is head down and ready to go! I've finally started switching to some maternity clothes when I'm not wearing my workout clothes (which is most of this time!) and I"m wondering why I waited so long.... can we all just agree that all pants should be made with stretchy waistbands? I'm still sitting at about a 10-13 pound weight gain, which I am happy about, but the last few weeks of pregnancy are always where I tend to pack on some pounds so we will see. Whether that is due to the baby putting on weight quickly at the end, or me giving up and eating lots of sugary cereal I"m not totally sure!
We still do not have a name for this baby, boy or girl, but we have at a least written a list down so if I do go into labor before we officially decided at least we have a running list to choose from! I also have done very little to prepare, which shows that this is my fourth kiddo! I did finally wash some newborn clothes and separated them into gender neutral and boy, but I realized that this baby is going to be born into much colder weather than any of the other three, so either way we are going to need to pick up some new outfits. We bought on pack of diapers and some wipes, and a few nursing essentials. I also made playlist of music to listen to during labor, because obviously that is a top priority! Once Christmas is over I am going to get on buying the last few necessities that we need, like a boppy nursing pillow and a dock a tot and some bassinet sheets. I also really need to pack a hospital bag, because if I go into labor without one packed I do not completely trust S to get together everything I need. In theory I would probably have some time once labor started, but since R came so fast and furious I am under strict instructions to head to the hospital the minute we feel things starting. I"m actually starting to get nervous about that, especially if this baby decides to come before my parents get here and I have to scramble to find someone to watch the kids. I"m also worried about if ti happens in the middle of the day since S works 45 minutes away. And I also have a somewhat irrational fear of going into labor when I"m in the carpool pickup line at L's school. I know that sounds a little ridiculous, but that parking lot gets crazy and can take 30 minutes to get out of!
So, in a recap, I am uncomfortable and a little nervous, but also getting really excited to meet this baby! Especially the anticipation of finding out if he or she is a he or she!!!
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