Wednesday, October 26, 2016

L2 turns five!

Our little L2 is five! These past few months have been so amazing for him, and I just know five is going to be such a great year. L2 is probably one of the most loving and sweet kids you could ever meet. He hugs everyone, he always wants to cuddle and hold hands, and he always says "I love you". He can also be super stubborn, and he can have a temper when he doesn't get his way. He is our little bear and we love him so much.

We actually got back from camping on the morning of L2's birthday, so after we all got cleaned up and took L to school, we took the little boys to a birthday lunch at their favorite place : McDonald's.

And of course the favorite part of any kids birthday, the presents.

It's really hard when you're two and it's someones else birthday.

After presents we were suppose to go to dinner. We had a bit of an incident, which I will post about soon, but things got a bit derailed. We ended up sticking some candles in some ice-cream to sing happy birthday, and dinner has been postponed until later this week!

Luckily, L2 is sweet and easygoing and was fine with just his presents and ice cream!

Happy, happy birthday, my sweet boy. You have made me a better mother, and a better person, in your short five years here. You are so strong and determined and kind, I know you are going to take this world by storm!

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