As we head into Landon's second year of "real" school (first grade) I have to say, I am loving every second of it. Being a stay at home can be lonely, and hard, and tedious sometimes ( a lot of the time!), but I have found that I really love the school aspect of it.
And, no, I don't just mean sending him away to school for eight hours a day!
No, I really love being involved and doing this for him and for his school. I heading into my second year of being homeroom mom, which I loved last year and I'm sure I'm going to love this year, and I'm finding myself looking forward to doing things that I would have hated a few years ago.
I mean, I was a sorority girl for four years and my friends used to have to drag me kicking and screaming to anything craft related, but tell me that my son needs a Polk-a-dot shirt for dot day next week and I'm calling all the girls and getting us together to paint shirts for them!
I had more fun doing this than I would normally admit, and I think they turned out pretty cute!
And the best part is "dot day", which is obviously out of uniform shirts (apparently the dots signify every ones individuality?), also falls on L's bday next week! So the whole day now feels like even more of a celebration!
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