Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Of course this post is coming about five days late, because I can't seem to do anything on time these days! But, hey, at least I finally wrote it, right?

We took our first camping trip of the season last weekend, and it was so much fun!

We headed up to Lake Pleasant, which, OK, is not my ideal camping spot. It's more dessert and dirt then pine trees and beauty, which is what I was used to in Nevada. But it is close and easy to get to and warm most of the year, so it works. And there is something pretty about the desert, even if I am more partial to the mountains!

(this is like a few hours into the trip…. so much dirt!!!)

This year we finally did something that we have been talking about for several years: we bought a kayak. Seriously, best investment ever. It was so nice to have something else to do, to be able to paddle out on the lake and enjoy the peacefulness of it, and the boys (especially L) loved it!

So we spent two days up at the lake. We did some light hiking, played in the lake and on the shore, took the kayak out and sat around the campfire! It's always a little nerve wracking taking three little kids, especially boys, out into the wilderness. Luckily we escaped with only a few scrapes and bruises!

We even let L take the kayak out by himself in the little cove we were in. I can't believe he is growing up so fast, and he was so stoked to have that kind of independence!

It was a blast, but two days is definitely my limit for being outdoors…. a hot shower and my own bed felt like heaven!!!

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