Guys!!! I love the Holiday season!!!
Did everyone have as good a Thanksgiving as we did? This year was a good one, one to put in the books. My parents came into town and I decided to really give it my all this year! I made my very first Turkey (scary!) and it turned out perfectly, and I made a homemade cherry pie! It's not like I don't cook, I actually really enjoy it, but this was the first year I really attempted the whole shebang for Thanksgiving and I was really proud of the way it turned out! Of course, I was exhausted by the end of the day, after literally spending all day in the kitchen, but it was worth it!
(My handsome oldest boy!!)
(Only mildly stressed out while I was cooking up a storm!!)
Really though, is there anything better then getting together with your family, spending the whole day talking and hanging out and cooking and watching football (and maybe enjoying a few beers!). I don't think so. I've always loved holidays, but now that we have kids and especially when we manage to spend them with our extended families from out of town, I appreciate them more and more every year. I know my kids are going to look back on these memories, and I have to say, I think we are creating pretty good ones for them!
Not to get all sappy, but we truly have so much to be thankful for. I have three beautiful, healthy, funny, handsome, energetic, loving sons, a husband who supports me and works so hard for our family, parents and siblings who I adore. We have a nice home and delicious food on the table, and life is overall just pretty wonderful!!
And the best part of Thanksgiving? The fact that it is now officially the start of the Christmas season, my favorite time of the year!!! I pulled out all our decorations today, bought some eggnog from the store, and the kids and I have already watched three Christmas movies! I love this time of year. I love the decorations and the music, I love finding the perfect present for my family (I order something especially special for L today!), and I love the warm and fuzzy feelings that this year brings!!!
Happy Holidays everyone!!!!
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