Monday, September 15, 2014

Happy 5th birthday L!!!

You guys….. I have a five year old! A five year old little person is now standing in the place where my tiny little first born baby used to be….how did that happen?

I admit, I love birthdays. I love all celebrations and reasons for a party and gifts and a mix up in schedule and just that general good feeling. But, man, these kids birthdays are a little bittersweet. It's hard to believe that five years and one day ago, I wasn't a mom yet. I can't imagine a time when my whole life didn't revolve around the needs and feeling and moods and whims of my little guys, but it really wasn't even that long ago. I remember, in an abstract sort of way, all of L's firsts. The first time he crawled, the first time he walked, the first time he said mama, the first time he rode a bike. There has been a lot of first in five years, and while I remember and cherish them all, there's also a part of me that can't imagine him ever not being exactly who is right at this moment. I can barely wrap my head around the fact that my sweet little red headed, fuzzy headed, baby is the same child as this auburn haired, handsome, sassy, smart, kind, funny little boy. He really is amazing. He is in his first year of Pre-K, and  he loves school. He can write his name, and spell it. We are working on reading and tying his shoes. He loves being read to and singing and dancing. He loves music, especially Pharrells song "Happy". He likes to help me pack his lunch and cook. His favorite shows are: Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Octonaughts, Little Einsteins, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He can be very stubborn and he will throw a tantrum if he doesn't get his way. He is learning how to push our buttons and how to test us. He is an amazing big brother, very loving and helpful, but he also knows his role as the oldest and can be pretty bossy. He loves his Daddy  but can also be a bit of a mama's boy. I love him with my whole heart.

OK, OK, enough of the mush. I could go on for pages and pages and pages about everything that he is doing. It's amazing how complex someone can be at the tender age of five! But I am so proud of who he is becoming, and even though watching him grow up tugs at my heartstrings I can't wait to keep watching him grow!

L had a pretty great "birthday weekend". I was going to plan a party, but between both boys starting school and everything else going on, it was just too much and I ran out of time. Instead we had his best friend J over on Saturday. Luckily, S and I have become very close to J's parents, and his little brother R is the same age as L2! It works out pretty perfectly and the more time we spend with them the more grateful I am that they ended up in our lives! Anyway, we kept it low key, ordering pizza and making cupcakes and letting the boys play. They had a blast and we had fun being able to relax with friends!

On Sunday L and S went with J and his Daddy flying. That's right, I said flying. Like in a plane. J's daddy has his pilots license and a little plane and so the four of them took a short fight over to Payson for breakfast. L got such a kick out of it, and even though it made this mama a bit of a nervous wreck I know it was an awesome experience for him!

We spent Sunday night wrapping presents and blowing up balloons to surprise L with on Monday morning (his actual birthday!) and S also took the day of work to surprise him. L has been begging Daddy to take him to school so this was a great gift for him!

After waking up to a room filled with balloons (he was a little more confused then excited…. he asked if I had accidentally dropped some balloons in his room!)  we took the big boys to school and daddy got to walk in and meet there teachers and see where they go everyday! We then had a few hours to kill with just baby R before we had to go get them so we went over to a coffee shop and had a nice breakfast and then walked around the bookstore. I know this was  L's day, but it was pretty nice for mommy and daddy to have some time together too!

After we got both boys from school we took them to see Dolphin Tale 2. Cute movie, although I did cry a few times! It's nice that we can take the boys to kid movies that aren't necessarily cartoons. Then we ran a few errands before going to dinner at our favorite spot. At this point L2 was starting to feel the effect of a long day and no nap so we headed home for presents.

There were two presents we knew we had to get L this year. The first is a Jack and the Neverland Pirates pirate ship that he has been asking for for about 6 months, every since he saw it at J's house. The other was a watch. I don't know why, but he has been asking for a watch for months! Luckily, S managed to find a really cool, really sturdy watch with a snap on bracelet. L loves it. And when he opened the pirate ship he yelled "Oh my gosh, it's what I've always wanted!" We also got him a book and some flip flops, which he liked, but the watch and ship were the real winner in the present department!

(R "helping" L with his presents!)

After present S took L to soccer practice and I stayed home with L2 and R. Poor L2 was in bed by 6…. he was so tired! Apparently he still needs a solid nap during the day!

It was a great fifth birthday, and I'm so happy and proud to be able to call L my son. He's truly just a light in our lives and we love him so much!!!

I'll leave you with a few pictures of L as a baby and the big boy he has become!!!

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