How far along: 35 weeks!
Maternity Clothes: My workout clothes are still non maternity, but when the rest is maternity!
What I miss: Everything. I'm definitely getting to that point in the pregnancy where I am just ready to be done and have this baby here and have control over my body again!
Exercise: Not a great week. I got one good cardio day and two good yoga classes in. Mostly it was because my parents were in town so I just got too busy to hit the gym, but when I went to yoga on wednesday I was planning on staying and doing cardio, but I literally just felt like I hit a wall. I'm pretty good at pushing through, but my body was telling me pretty strongly that day that it had had enough, so I listened. It's hard for me to take a step back, but I just keep telling myself that I made it further, going harder, than I had originally expected. I would like to get a really good solid week in next week and then ease up as I get into the 37th week, since at that point the baby can come at any time!
Cravings: Sweets!
Aversions: Nothing! Hungry all the time!
Symptoms: All the same ones I've been having, but the contractions are getting more and more frequent and they are getting to the point where they take my breath away. I have them throughout the day, everyday, but they haven't gotten consistant yet!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks every day, several times a day. More and more pressure. The baby feels super low and people have started to comment that it looks like he has dropped. I had a dr appointment today and am dialated to 1!
Best moments of this week: Finishing up a great visit with my parents (they just left today) and realizing that my mom is coming back in 3 weeks for the baby! A good dr app where we found out I'm dilated to 1cm and baby is looking to be about 6 pounds already, so he is right on track to be another 8 pounder! (What can I say, I have big baby boys!) Also, we finally got a new computer! Yay! We really, really needed a new one.... our old one was pretty ancient and it would take me like 20-30 minutes sometimes just to load a page! So frustrating! So we got a macbook air and I love it!
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