How far along: 26 weeks! (OK, I seriously have to apologize for all these pictures! I look like crap in everyone! When I started this documentation I figured I would take "cute" bump pics every week.... but honestly I'm so tired these days I'm lucky to snap of a few after I get out of the shower!)
Maternity Clothes: I'm assuming I can still pull on my pants with the help of a hairband in the button hole... but truthfully I have worn nothing but workout clothes and maxi dresses this week... so I"m not totally sure!
Sleep: Still loving my snoogle and still sleeping pretty well. I've had a few nights where I've had trouble dozing off, but not many. Plus the boys are still sleeping super later which is nice. I usually wake up around 6:45-7:00 and lay in bed until they get up between 7-7:30. I realize I could use this time to get up and do something productive... but I figure my time of lazing in bed is going to be gone pretty soon with a newborn coming!
What I miss: Clothes that fit, being able to do a lunge in yoga without having to swing my leg out around my stomach.....
Exercise: I'm still holding pretty strong, but working out is getting harder and harder. I'm still keeping up with my normal routine, but I have been letting myself take off Fridays if I'm not feeling it. However, I make myself push it Monday-Thursday if I take off Friday. I still love my yoga classes, but I get frustrated when stuff that I can normally easily do is difficult because my tummy is in the way! (i.e. touching my toes, lunges). My goal is to really keep up my routine at full speed until 34-36 weeks, and then cut back, if needed, as i get closer to labor. I also know though that I need to listen to my body. I'm the kind of person that has a hard time going at half speed, so I need to remind myself that going in and doing the elliptical or the bike for an easy 30 minutes is still better than nothing!
Cravings: My newest one is a bowl of vanilla Greek yogurt, some granola and fresh strawberries and bananas on top! It's like heaven in a bowl... I seriously want to eat it every meal!
Aversions: Nada. I feel hungry all the time!!!! I find myself cruising the pinterest food and drink board and just drooling!
Symptoms: Rib pain and pubic bone pain still getting worse. I hate this part. I love the kick and rolls though... and he is so strong! My little ninja boy!
Labor Signs: Just the good old Braxton Hicks!
Best moments of this week: This week wasn't great. S has been teaching a training class at his work, which means he's been working really long hours. Like he leaves the house at around 4:45 and doesn't get home till around 6. It makes for really long days. I also always get pretty restless at this point in my pregnancies. I think week 25-30 are always my least favorite! It's just not quite close enough to the end to really be in "countdown" mode, but the "novelty" of the beginning of pregnancy has worn off. It kind of feels like there is no end in sight! But, we have crossed over into the double digits, only 91 days left to go! And I"m excited to get into the third trimester!
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