Friday, August 30, 2013

29 weeks

How far along: 29 weeks!
Maternity Clothes: Jeans are still working with a hairband, but getting more uncomfortable. I pulled out a pair of my old maternity jeans this week, and while they were super comfy they were also too big, which made me feel like I looked huge! I also bought a new maternity shirt and have been doing a lot of leggings lately!
What I miss: I just want to feel comfortable again, and I'd like to have my normal emotions back! I swear, these hormones are making me feel like a crazy person!
Exercise: Still pushing, but still getting hard. I'm feeling more pressure and more braxton hicks when I exercise, but my Dr said it's OK to keep going strong as long as the contractions don't get stronger or become consistent. What I really want to do is lie on the couch all day.... but I'm determined to keep going! I did lessen the incline on one of my workouts this week because I was so uncomfortable, and we missed Friday (Boo, no power yoga!) because we had a play date scheduled!
Cravings: Still loving my Greek yogurt/granola/strawberry combo! So Yummy! Also mint chocolate chip ice cream with hot fudge..... healthy, huh?
Aversions: Nothing! Hungry all the time!
Symptoms: Still all the old pain, but the good news is baby flipped! I'm feeling more pressure because his head is down now, and getting jabbed with elbows and knees a lot more in the ribs!
Labor Signs: Just the good old Braxton Hicks and some pressure!
Best moments of this week: I joined a mommy and me group in our area and attended my first play date and really liked all the other girls! I've really found it hard to make friends out where we live..... I don't feel like there is a lot of that "community" feel (kids playing outside, knowing all your neighbors) but I finally feel like I've met a group of other moms who I have a lot in common with! Yay! We also had a Dr appointment and got to see our cute little guy on the ultrasound. So happy he is head down and he is measuring right on time! 

Friday, August 23, 2013

28 weeks!

How far along: 28 weeks!!! Yay! 3rd trimester! The countdown is on!!!!
Maternity Clothes: Still squeezing into my jeans with a hairband, but definitely in maternity shirts! My non maternity workout clothes are still fine. I'm ready for the weather to cool down.... I'm going to be getting a pair of maternity skinnies, maternity leggings, and I have a couple cute maternity sweaters. I'm ready to start wearing them, it's just still way to freaking hot here!
What I miss: Nothing this week!
Exercise: It's getting harder and harder everyday, but I'm still pushing hard! I'm also trying to listen to my body though.... so even though my goal is still 3 miles (or more) every cardio session, I"m letting myself stop at 2 if I feel like my body is yelling at me! I jumped into a Pilate's/yoga class this week, which was OK. I like Pilate's, but at this stage in the pregnancy it's a little too much abs and core for me. I also tried a new power yoga class and really enjoyed it! Headstand at 7 months pregnant.... sure, why not! (I did have my Dr.s permission to continue doing inversion poses, as long as I have a spotter and can't fall, and don't hold it for too long!) My belly is starting to get in the way of some of the simpler moves, like lunges and forward fold, which is a little annoying!
Cravings: Still loving my Greek yogurt/granola/strawberry combo! So Yummy! 
Aversions: Nada. I feel hungry all the time!!!! I find myself cruising the pinterest food and drink board and just drooling!
Symptoms: Rib pain and pubic bone pain still getting worse. I hate this part. I love the kick and rolls though... and he is so strong! He's also still breech so I'm getting kicked in the bladder a lot! Maybe my headstands today will have helped him flip!
Labor Signs: Just the good old Braxton Hicks!
Best moments of this week: Finally being in the 3rd trimester! I guess it's time to actually start doing stuff, huh? With L and L2 I had everything ready to go so early and with this one I have done nothing except pull some clothes out of the attic and work on his blanket! We need to paint and get his nursery ready, wash and sort clothes, purchase a new pack and play, get an new car (mine only seats four!), buy a new breast pump... and pretty much everything else! I know we still have time, but I figure I should at least start crossing one this off my list every week! 

Friday, August 16, 2013

27 weeks

How far along: 27 weeks! Last week of the second trimester!
Maternity Clothes: Jeans fit with a hairband, but I think I'm going to be switching to maternity soon, at least for comforts sake. I found a pair of skinny maternity jeans I really liked at Old Navy that I want for when it cools down a little. The problem right now is it's just so hot still I usually stay in my yoga clothes or put on a maxi skirt or dress!
What I miss: Pregnancy tends to be a little stressful for me, because I'm a worrier. So I guess I miss not worrying about every little thing!
Exercise: This was a good workout week. I did my normal routine, although I took it easier on Wednesday after my yoga class. I did 2 miles instead of 3 and did a little less of an incline. I'm really trying to listen to my body. I also had to miss Thursday, and even though the last thing in the world I wanted to do was go on Friday morning I dragged myself. I told myself I could take it easy and ended up doing a really good, hard workout so I was proud of myself!Still loving my yoga classes, and they just started a new Pilate's/yoga fusion class that I think I'm going to check out!
Cravings: Still loving my Greek yogurt/granola/strawberry combo! So Yummy! Also, raspberry lemonade!
Aversions: Nada. I feel hungry all the time!!!! I find myself cruising the pinterest food and drink board and just drooling!
Symptoms: Rib pain and pubic bone pain still getting worse. I hate this part. I love the kick and rolls though... and he is so strong! My little ninja boy!
Labor Signs: Just the good old Braxton Hicks!
Best moments of this week: Well, the low point of this week was I failed my one hour glucose test. The good news was I passed the 3 hour one, but it still freaked me out! I failed by one point! I also failed the one hour and passed the three with L, and passed the one hour barely with L2. Apparently I'm just not that good with the one hour! I was surprise though this time, because with L and L2 I had gained a lot more weight at this point, and was definitely giving into my sweet tooth pregnancy cravings a lot more! It's annoying that I've been so good this pregnancy, eaten so healthy (Obviously I splurge, but not too often), kept up with my tough exercise and only gained 6 pounds and still failed the one hour! After the three hour my Dr actually told me it's probably more carbs that my body might be having some trouble processing, since I don't have a lot of sugar in my diet. And that makes a little sense since I'm probably gravitating towards carbs (even good ones like apples!) to keep up my energy levels for the gym. Oh well, the important thing is I passed the three hour and I just need to make sure I'm not pushing myself too much!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

26 weeks!

How far along: 26 weeks! (OK, I seriously have to apologize for all these pictures! I look like crap in everyone! When I started this documentation I figured I would take "cute" bump pics every week.... but honestly I'm so tired these days I'm lucky to snap of a few after I get out of the shower!)
Maternity Clothes: I'm assuming I can still pull on my pants with the help of a hairband in the button hole... but truthfully I have worn nothing but workout clothes and maxi dresses this week... so I"m not totally sure!
Sleep: Still loving my snoogle and still sleeping pretty well. I've had a few nights where I've had trouble dozing off, but not many. Plus the boys are still sleeping super later which is nice. I usually wake up around 6:45-7:00 and lay in bed until they get up between 7-7:30. I realize I could use this time to get up and do something productive... but I figure my time of lazing in bed is going to be gone pretty soon with a newborn coming!
What I miss: Clothes that fit, being able to do a lunge in yoga without having to swing my leg out around my stomach.....
Exercise: I'm still holding pretty strong, but working out is getting harder and harder. I'm still keeping up with my normal routine, but I have been letting myself take off Fridays if I'm not feeling it. However, I make myself push it Monday-Thursday if I take off Friday. I still love my yoga classes, but I get frustrated when stuff that I can normally easily do is difficult because my tummy is in the way! (i.e. touching my toes, lunges). My goal is to really keep up my routine at full speed until 34-36 weeks, and then cut back, if needed, as i get closer to labor. I also know though that I need to listen to my body. I'm the kind of person that has a hard time going at half speed, so I need to remind myself that going in and doing the elliptical or the bike for an easy 30 minutes is still better than nothing!
Cravings: My newest one is a bowl of vanilla Greek yogurt, some granola and fresh strawberries and bananas on top! It's like heaven in a bowl... I seriously want to eat it every meal!
Aversions: Nada. I feel hungry all the time!!!! I find myself cruising the pinterest food and drink board and just drooling!
Symptoms: Rib pain and pubic bone pain still getting worse. I hate this part. I love the kick and rolls though... and he is so strong! My little ninja boy!
Labor Signs: Just the good old Braxton Hicks!
Best moments of this week: This week wasn't great. S has been teaching a training class at his work, which means he's been working really long hours. Like he leaves the house at around 4:45 and doesn't get home till around 6. It makes for really long days. I also always get pretty restless at this point in my pregnancies. I think week 25-30 are always my least favorite! It's just not quite close enough to the end to really be in "countdown" mode, but the "novelty" of the beginning of pregnancy has worn off. It kind of feels like there is no end in sight! But, we have crossed over into the double digits, only 91 days left to go! And I"m excited to get into the third trimester!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

25 weeks

How far along: 25 weeks! (Excuse the wet hair and no makeup!!!)
Maternity Clothes: We're still rocking the hairband on my jeans, although I'm mostly wearing maternity shirts. Some of my non maternity shirts fit, but they just don't look as good. With my maternity clothes I look pregnant and they show of my bump in a flattering way.... when I wear my normal shirts I feel like they just fit weird and end up making my look chunky as opposed to pregnant.
Sleep: I finally broke down and got a snoogle pillow and I am in Love!!!! Why did I not do this three pregnancies ago? Seriously, I am sleeping so much better, my back hurts less in the morning, and I'm waking up less. It's heaven I tell you! Poor S is getting pushed out a little, since me and my pillow now take up about a third of the bed.... but he's just going to have to suffer!
What I miss: I would have like to have one of the local beers that S had up in Flagstaff, but other then that nothing! (And I did sneak a little taste!)
Exercise: Exercise was pretty much on par, except for on Wednesday. On Wednesday I did my normal yoga class and then hopped on the treadmill for my 3 miles.... and I literally could not do it! I have a hard time with listening to my body, being an athlete for my whole life my instinct is always to just push through, but this time my body was screaming at me. I was feeling dizzy and lightheaded and kept having to stop and catch my breath! So I finished my 30 minutes and then was done. I hate not being able to do my whole workout, but I'm glad I listened to what my body was telling me!
Cravings: cereal!
Aversions: Nothing really. My appetite is definitely coming back with a vengeance! Uh Oh! 
Symptoms: Kicks and rolls. rib pain. pubic bone pain. I'm also getting full really easy. Rib pain is steadily getting worse, which sucks but was expected. 
Labor Signs: Just the good old Braxton Hicks!
Best moments of this week: Our amazing trip to Flagstaff!!!


I've been in pretty desperate need of a break lately. I've been feeling restless, bogged down by the daily routine, uncomfortable and antsy as I enter this last stage of pregnancy, and, overall, just in need of a change of scenery.

I didn't have much hope. Any kind of family trip was pretty much of the table for this summer, because we have to save all of S's days off for when the baby gets here. Then my father-in-law was talking to S about what he would like for a late birthday present and he offered to get us two nights at a hotel up in Flagstaff, and suddenly a short vacation was in our future!

If you're not from Arizona, you may not be familiar with Flagstaff. It's a little mountain town, nestled high above the heat of Phoenix, and it houses the university where S and I went to college. We love it. It's an amazing town, with cool, fresh mountain air, funky little shops and bars, tons of local food and a sense of laid-backness. It's only a two hour drive from Phoenix, but with the kids and busy work schedules we usually only get back up about once a year. It was long overdue, and once we got up there I instantly felt more relaxed.

(apparently the boys thought the drive up was a a bit boring!)

I can't even tell you what a relief getting into the cooler weather was. Normally, I'm totally a heat girl. I love summer and, honestly, the hot temps in Phoenix don't usually bother me too much. But for some reason, this pregnancy is just kicking my butt with being hot. I don't remember it being this bad with either of the boys, but I wake up at night sweating and I'm constantly just in a state of over-heating. The cool 70 degree temps in Flagstaff were heaven... not to mention being able to crank the air conditioning in our hotel room without getting lectures from S about our electricity bill!

We got to Flag late Friday afternoon, and after settling into the hotel we headed out to dinner at a local place that wasn't there when we were in college, but that we had heard good things about. S got a delicious locally brewed beer and we the boys loved that the restaurant overlooked the train station. (And trains in Flagstaff go by about every ten minutes! Annoying when you were a college kid trying to get to work, but awesome if you're a member of the four and under crowd!) We ended our night early with ice cream at the hotel. We were very excited that S's dad had gotten us rooms at the Embassy Suites, so that the boys could have their own "room". We figured we'd get the boys settled in and asleep and then we'd be able to go into our room and relax and watch a movie. Um..... L2 had other ideas. I have no idea what his deal was, but he would not go to sleep in that pack and play. End of Story. And he is normally an awesome sleeper, but both nights we ended up having to bring him into our bed while he fussed until he finally wore himself out enough to fall asleep and be transferred back to his bed. Needless to say, we never got to watch our movie!

On Saturday we had a lot to pack in, so we started our day early by going up to Lake Mary to take the boys fishing. Again, I just couldn't get over the weather, and also how beautiful this place is.

(You gotta love a baby wearing dad... Am I right?)

The boys had fun fishing, but only lasted about an hour. After fishing we headed to a local used bookstore and let the boys pick out a couple of books. At this point the boys were already starting to get a little tired and hungry (A.K.A. cranky) so it was time to hit Biff's Bagel for lunch. L is definitely his mother's son... the kid loves a good bagel! After that we did some shopping at the shops downtown and then headed back to the hotel for naps. Finally, to wrap up our busy Saturday, we headed to San Felipe's for dinner. San Felipe's is a bar/restaurant that I worked at in college. Probably one of the most fun jobs I've ever had and a huge part of my college experience! It's so fun, and also kind of weird, to see my two sons in a place that holds so many memories for me!

After getting our fill of Flagstaff (OK, I think I could have stayed for the next three months, but S has to go back to work!) We headed back down the hill on Sunday, but made a pit stop in Sedona for some creek time. Sedona is another one of S and mine favorite places, and also a major throwback from our college days. It was a great though in theory, and while we had fun while we were there we only stayed about an hour. L2 got super cranky about 30 minutes after we got there. I think he was tired and worn out and just at the end of our rope, so pretty quickly we packed it up and headed home. That's OK though. It was a great trip, and it was also nice to get home in time to be able to unpack and unwind and enjoy Sunday night before our week starts again tomorrow.

I needed this trip, I really did. I feel so refreshed and ready to start of this next week fresh. We have lots of stuff coming up.... birthdays for the boys and a mile long to-do list to get ready for the new baby, and I feel ready to tackle it all!