Sunday, March 31, 2013

Recital Time!

L had his first "school recital" last night. I use the term "school recital" loosely, because it wasn't your usual school cafeteria type of shindig. Rather, the parent company that runs L's school does a big fundraiser every year and they ask for volunteers from all of the classes to come and sing a few numbers. (Hello? A bunch of cute kiddos singing off tune.... it's donation heaven!) Anyway, we volunteered and for the last month of so L has been practicing "Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee" and "Doe-Rae-Mi" both at school and at home.
He had been really excited about it, but when we finally arrived at the theater last night he got really shy and I was actually a little worried he wouldn't go on stage!

 Doing some Piano warm ups!

Mama trying to get him to relax and have fun!

Anyway, we had about an hour wait and that gave him some time to calm down and start playing with his friends! He went on, and while he stood more in the back and I think did more swaying than actual singing, he still did it and I was so proud of him! It was really, really cute and I'm so glad we volunteered for it!

Getting ready to go on!

He did so good, and events like this just remind me what a big boy he is becoming! 

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