Sunday, December 16, 2012

A little heavy hearted

I've had several posts floating around in my head for the last few days. We have been busy, busy, busy with Christmas activities and all sorts of fun stuff that I've been meaning to sit down and write about. But I haven't, because the truth is my heart has been so heavy since the tragedy in CT on Friday I haven't really known what to say. I know that I have been holding my babies especially close the last few days. I've let L have an extra cookie and skipped the gym so we could stay home and snuggle and watch movies. I've been switching between watching the news because I have this need to know the details.... to know why, even though I know there will never be a good answer, and wanting to shut it out completely because it makes me so incredibly sad I almost don't know how to deal with it. I don't get political on this blog. And I don't know what the answer to these tragedies is. I don't know a ton about guns or gun control. What I do know is we need to be kind to each other. We need to teach out children how to be kind, how to love each other. In the end, I think policy and laws can only get us so far..... we need to make this world a less scary place and we need to teach our children how to be good people.

With all that being said, we have been trying to soak in as much goodness with our little ones the last few days. We always do..... but tragedy has a way of making you step back and count all your blessing. On Saturday S's work had their annual Christmas party. They do something different each year and usually try to make it family orientated. This year, for the first time in about three years, they brought the circus in. It was awesome and my boys loved it. There were contortionists and acrobats and elephants. It was a short enough show that the boys didn't get antsy buy it was jam packed with lots of cool stuff.

L's favorite were the elephants and the motorcycle performers.

L2 was pretty much just entranced by all of it.... from the show to the big crowd!

We also did a lot of Christmas shopping this weekend and L is getting very excited to seeing the growing number of presents under the tree. I know Christmas is about so much more then gifts, but I love buying presents for people!

And in other, un-Christmas related, news: This mama has gone to the dark side! I've been itching for a change lately so finally I just took the plunge. I've been majorly blond for my whole life. Like platinum blond. And now I am full on brunette. It's dark and different and I love it. I was worried I wouldn't be able to pull it off, but I think it looks pretty good!  I'm sure one day I'll go back to blond, but for now I"m loving having a new look!

(I don't think this picture even shows how dark it actually is!)

This is also unrelated to anything... it's just a cute and funny picture of Mr. L2 trying to escape through the baby gate.!

Less then ten days till Christmas! I"m planning on spending the next week shopping, and wrapping, and baking and listening to Christmas carols and watching Christmas movies!  Oh, and also doing as much of this as is possible:

I know this pic is blurry and dark, but it was the best I could snap of us during some early morning cuddles!

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