As a Mother, nothing in this world is harder than watching your child hurt.
I dread the days of middle school and bullies and bad test grades and breakups and losing the big game and friendship drama. I know it is part of life and it will make my children (and me) stronger for it, but sometimes I wish I could just keep them home forever. I wish I could protect them from scraped knees and playground fights and anything else in this life that may hurt them, physically, mentally, or emotionally.
This past week has been incredibly hard for me, and has truly tested my strength as a mommy, because my baby was hurting and I had to hold it together and be strong for him. On Tuesday we checked into Phoenix Children's Hospital so that L2 could undergo surgery. I don't want to go into to much detail, but it was nothing life threatening and once we get through this tough time of surgery and recovery he is going to be 100% fine.
With that said, it was a trying and hard time. We got there on Tuesday for what was scheduled as an hour surgery and a one night over night stay for observation. It ended up being an almost two hour surgery and four days in the hospital. On Tuesday I cried more than I would have liked. I'm lucky I have a husband like S to keep me strong and we are so lucky that we live in an area where we have a hospital like PCH and the doctors and nurses that work there.
Thankfully my mom came out to help us with L, I don't know what we would have done otherwise. S and I have spent the last week switching shifts at the hospital, trying to make sure we both got home to see L, sleeping in a horribly uncomfortable chair in a freezing hospital room, and struggling with seeing our youngest son in pain. It was hard, but as a family we stayed strong and toughed it out together. We are home now and while we still have probably a good week of recovery ahead of us we are looking forward to putting this time behind us.
I want to thank our family and friends that have been there for us for the past week. We are so lucky to have so many amazing and compassionate people in our lives and our babies are so lucky to have so many people who love them.
Hug your babies a little longer tonight!
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