Tuesday, December 13, 2011

O Christmas Tree

We finally got our Christmas tree this weekend. Every year on December first I am jealous of  who gets to put up their fake tree and have it up for the whole month. But then, once we get our tree, I realize you just can't beat having a real one. I love going and picking it out.... fighting with S about whether or not the tallest ones will fit in our house....., I love the piney scent and the soft needles. I love everything about it, and even though we only get to enjoy it for a few weeks before Christmas, I don't think I would trade it for a fake tree for anything!

Another thing I love? (OK, let's be honest. I LOVE everything about Christmas. It's all unicorns and rainbows for me this month!)  But anyway, I love getting out the decorations. There are so many memories there. Everything from Our first House, to our first Christmas as a married couple, to L's first Christmas are commemorated. And then there are the one's my parents have passed on to us.... the ones that remind me of my childhood and snowy winters in Reno. And this year we are adding a first Christmas ornament for L2, as well as some homemade crafty ones me and L are going to do together. (More on that in a later post!)

And, of course, L2 was around to supervise the decorating of the tree.

I was so excited to wake L up from his nap and show him his decorated tree! We were camera ready to capture his wonderment and awe......... he was a little less impressed then we were hoping for! In all fairness to him, he was groggy and a little cranky, he has become more impressed since then!

Now I am off to curl up with a good book by the light of our Christmas tree!!!!

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