As I started my Monday morning at work, blurry eyed, a little cranky and coffee in hand, I did what i usually do before I open my email, start checking voicemails, and in general start actually working: I concurrently opened my email, facebook, and blogger. Hey, what can I say, sometimes I need a little procrastination to get me going in the morning.
So, after deleting a bunch of spam, posting a status update about my distaste towards most of my states politicians, and finishing my coffee, I logged into my blog account to find a welcome, unexpected and probably undeserved surprise.
I've been nominated for a blogging award!
How cool is this? My friend Ali, who writes baby feet and baby steps nominated me. Truthfully, it was her blog, which I started reading while I was preggo with L, that inspired me to start my blog. I loved the idea of having a diary to remember these days of baby cuddles and crying and mishaps and laughter by.
So, apparently, here is how is works:
Thank the person who nominated you:
Thank you, Ali! You gave me the confidence to start this blog in the first place ,and it feels really good to know someone out there is reading it!
Write 7 things about yourself:
1. I have weird obsessions with food. I hate for any food on my plate to touch and when I find a food I like I have a tendency to want to eat that, and only that, ALL THE TIME. Pregnancy was wonderful because it gave me the excuse to have these weird food tendencies, and people that it was endearing instead of annoying.
2. My son and husband are the two most important people in my life. If I were stranded on a desert island I would be fine as long as both of them were with me.
3. I love the feeling I get from working out. I try to get in at least 4-5 days a week, running 3-4 miles, Pilate's and yoga.
4. I am, by nature, a messy and somewhat lazy person. I would rather lie on the couch watching movies then clean our house, and while I love the feeling of a clean and organized house, I wish I wasn't the one who actually had to do the work.
5. I moved away from home when I was 18, and it was the best decision of my life. I love my family and my parents, but I also love that I am independent and left home when it was really scary to do so. I am also proud of myself that I never went back, even when things got tough.
6. I love reality TV. Seriously, the more fake, the better. I was sad when the hills ended, I pine for the days of Laguna Beach, and I live for the Real Housewives.
7. I use to consider myself the life of the party, the one who was always ready to go out, always ready for a party and always wanted to be surrounded by tons of people, but these days I am much more content with a glass of wine, a good movie or and episode of "Glee" and cuddling on the couch with my hubby and my son.
Pass on the award to 5 bloggers you've recently discovered:
I honestly don't have 5 people that I follow right now, which is kind of sad. but I have 3 that I can name of the top of my head. (I would nominate Ali, but she nominated me, and I feel like that would just start a never ending game of back and forth!)
Crystal from Our Blessing From Above: Maxwell David
Kelly from Enjoying the Small Things
Kendal from Shades of Red
So, thanks again and make sure to check out these lovely ladies blogs!
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