Saturday, October 28, 2017

L2 turns six!

On Tuesday we celebrated our sweet L2's 6th birthday. This kid, he is pretty special. He is the sweetest, and the silliest. He is also incredibly stubborn and hard-headed. And determined and hardworking and driven. He's taken us on quite the roller coaster, and tested our parenting skills in the best way possible. As we enter his sixth year we have watched him overcome so many hurdles and I think we are all really just amazed by him daily. 

To help ring in six S went in to work late so he could say Happy Birthday and help get L2 off to school, and then later in the day I went to his school for his "birthday party". I Love the way they celebrate birthday there, all the kids make the birthday kid cards and give them little gifts out of the toy chest and then have cupcakes. It definitely makes them feel special.

Because his birthday was on a weeknight, L2 still had soccer practice that we had to make it to, but then we came back for the house and the boys got a special dinner of McDonald's and then of course more cupcakes and presents!

I'd say six is going to be a pretty good year for him!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Wedding weekend

This isn't going to be big post, but a few weekends ago I got to fly out to Lake Tahoe to watch one of my best girlfriends from high school get married. Unfortunately, S had to be in Pennsylvania the week before and it just didn't work out for him to come with me, but if I have to go solo without my husband, there is no group of people I would rather be with.

I don't know how common it is for high school friends so close after so many years, but almost fifteen years later these girls are truly my people.

We are scattered all over the place, and don't get to see each other or talk as often as we would like. And rarely are we all together. But when we are it's like not a moment has passed and we just pick right back up.

The wedding was beautiful and the weekend was so much fun. I actually ended up having more fun than I had expected. Because, honestly, as excited as I was to see everyone it's not always a blast being the pregnant, sober one when everyone else is getting their party on. But I had a blast and am so glad I got to be there!

I leave you with a few more pictures! It was an amazing weekend spent with some of the most amazing people I know!