6 years married. That means we've been actually together for 10 years, since we started dating in 2004. So we've been together a decade. Just thinking about that makes me feel equal parts of awe and happiness. I mean how is it possible that we've been on this journey together for an entire decade?
Well, at 6 years in, things are certainly different now than they were on that warm April day that we said our vows. In 6 years we've added 3 beautiful children to our family. We've settled into life, we have a car payment and a mortgage. We often spend our evenings discussing the benefits of different preschools or potty training.
And in 6 years, we've learned that marriage can be hard, but that is really what makes it so wonderful. It's hard to always have to be willing compromise, it's hard to balance work and parenting and life and fun and everything else that life throws at you. But man, I wouldn't change any part of the last 6 years for anything. Every argument has made us stronger. Every hardship an trail has brought us closer together and made us stronger as a family. I truly believe that I can conquer anything in this life with S by my side. He's my best friend and my rock and I"m grateful for I'm every single day.
OK, enough of the mushy stuff. So, for our anniversary we slept in late and enjoyed mimosas in bed. No, just kidding. We actually had to get up early, grab some bagels and head to L's tball game! After that we headed out to the mall, where S bought me a new bathing suit as my anniversary present. (Side not, trying on bikinis is not a fun anniversary activity.... but I did find one that I like!) We had a light lunch at a new restaurant we've been wanting to try and then went home for naps and to get ready for the night.
For our date night our neighbors were nice enough to watch the big boys for us and we took baby R and headed down to downtown Phoenix to my new favorite restaurant, Postinos. (The same place my mom, sister and I went after the botanical gardens) We enjoyed delicious food and drinks and a relaxing dinner where R was beautifully behave and we didn't have to worry about toddler tantrums or sippy cups or ordering of the kids menu. It was pretty wonderful. We were home early and spent the rest of the night watching movies and just enjoying each others company.
It may not be flashy, and our anniversary may no longer involve fancy jewelry or nights out on the town, but I'm so in love with my life it's almost unreal.
Happy 6 year anniversary, baby. Here's to about a million more!!!