Monday, February 24, 2014


Oh my gosh..... I'm 30.



Do you know how strange it even feels typing that number? I don't think I've fully wrapped my head around it yet. Yesterday I celebrated my freaking 30th birthday. Goodbye 20's..... it was fun.

I"m not going to lie.... I've had a heard time with this birthday. I've actually been kind of dreading it. I don't know why I had such a hard time with it, it just seems so final. Like, that's it. You are now really, truly an adult and there is no looking back. It's sound old to me. Like when I was 28 with  kids, I felt like a young mom..... I don't feel like 30 with kids has the same ring to it.

It's silly, I know. And S did an amazing job planning a beautiful and special weekend for me, which definitely helped. On Friday night he surprised me by planning a surprise happy hour with a bunch of my friends, and then taking the kids home so I could go have a drink with some of my girlfriends. Something I hardly ever do these days is go out without S and the kids, and while obviously they are my favorite people to be with it was so great to be able to catch up with my girls with no distractions around.

On Saturday S let me sleep in a bit, but then woke me up and loaded us all into the car without telling me where we were going. Once again he surprised me, this time by taking us all to the Renaissance Festival. Phoenix puts on a big Renaissance festival every year and I've always heard how fun it was, but we've never gone. It was a blast, and the boys got such a kick out of it. The weather was perfect and it was the perfect birthday surprise because it was something totally new for all of us!
After the festival we came home for naps and then S had a softball game to go to. When he got up home we stayed up late (for us!) watching Downton Abby (Great show!! Have you seen it? If not, you should.) As much as I loved going out with the girls the night before, nothing beats being at home in comfy pj's, curled on the couch with my boys!

Anyway on Sunday, my actual birthday, S let me sleep in again. (Let's be honest, for a mom of 3, sleeping in is pretty much the ultimate gift!) Then he made me a lovely breakfast of french toast, bacon, strawberries and whip cream, and mimosas. And he gave me my gift.

I was shocked!!! I've wanted an Ipad forever and I can't believe he got me one! My S is a keeper! After presents and breakfast we took the boys to the Lego movie. It was super cute and we went to a theater we haven't been to in awhile. The theater had been remodeled and had all reclining leather chair. It was so comfortable and so easy to nurse R when he got hungry! After the movie we spent the afternoon relaxing at home and then went to sushi for dinner. S took today of work so we could once again stay up late, which was so nice not to have to worry about going back to real life today! 

Overall, it was probably one of the best birthday I've ever had, even if it was one of the harder ones. But the more I've reflected on it, the more I've realized I did pretty much everything I could have hoped for in my 20's, and I"m the happiest I could possibly be going into my 30's. I'm leaving my 20's with two college degrees, a home that we own, no student debt, a husband who I adore more than anything, three beautiful, healthy sons and the ability to be a stay at home mom. I can't say there is anything else I could ask for at this point, and it's exciting to think what my 30's will bring.

A late Valentines Day update and a trip to Cali

Ugh, sorry again for the lack in updates lately. Seriously, my life feels so crazy lately, I feel like maybe I should just re0name the blog that..... "Sorry for the lack in updates".... catchy, no?

But, in all seriousness, hopefully things are going to settle down, at least for the next month or so. We've literally had major stuff going on every single month since R was born, and finally in March we have nothing on the calendar! I've got to say, I'm a little excited for some down time! Anyway, last week we went out of town yet again, this time back to California. It was more than just a vacation though, my in-laws actually gave us their old Coleman pop-up tent, so we went down there to tow it back. I'm actually pretty excited about it. S and I both love camping, but it's harder to go with three little ones when you're trying to sleep in tents and the back of cars. The tent has a queen bed, a full bed and a twin bed, in addition to a table to eat at, a stove and a sink. And it's in pretty great condition! I don't have a picture of the actually one we brought home, so you will just have to trust me that it's pretty sweet. And with all of our weekends open in March, we're hoping to test it out soon!

Anyway, it was a nice little trip, and it also happened to fall over Valentines Day, so we got to escape for a little date night with just us and R. (I know I could leave R, he will take a bottle of pumped milk just fine, but I"m still just not ready!) I also made it a point to do a fun activity with L the week before we left, so we baked cupcakes and got Valentines for all his friends in his preschool class. I'm worried L has been feeling a little left out lately, with all the attention on the little ones, so it was nice to have some "mommy and me" time with him.

And, is has to be said, I pretty much have the four most handsome Valentine's ever! And how lucky am I that I get to have four Valentines each year!?!

Well, that's pretty much it for this update. We didn't do much in California besides relax and enjoy the beautiful weather, and I've found myself being petty awful on the picture taking front. While I want to make sure I capture all of our memories, I find when I'm hiding behind the lens I tend to miss a lot of them. So I'll leave you with a few pics of my handsome boys!

Monday, February 3, 2014

3 months, a first haircut and some more

Wow, how much have I been slacking on the blog? It was so easy when I had the "weekly" update to do..... but now suddenly the days and weeks are flying by, and not only have I not taken any time to blog, I feel like I have barely picked up my camera!

So here's an update on life these days. First, baby R is THREE months today. I'm honestly baffled by this. I love watching him grow, but I really wish it would slow down a little. Tonight I packed up all his three month clothes, as they are all officially too small. He is now wearing 3-6 months, and in a few brands just 6 months. I bought a lot of 3 month clothing when I was pregnant, thinking it would be forever before he even got to wear them.... and now he's outgrown them!

R is really a sweet baby, and very easy. We are still exclusively breastfeeding, and I love every second of it. I have a hefty freezer supply going (probably over 200 ounces) just from pumping a few times a day between feedings. I'm still producing a ton of milk, which is nice because it gives me a sense of reassurance to have so much saved up just in case of an emergency! It also makes me feel like when he gets a little older we might be able to sneak away for a night and leave him with the grandparents and he will still have milk!

He's nursing about 5-7 times during the day, and then waking up once at night to eat. He wakes up around 2, eats, and then goes back in his bassinet in our room. Then he usually wakes up again around 4 and just wants to be cuddled so he comes into bed with me and we co-sleep until morning. I know it might be a bad habit, but I love sleeping next to him.

He's all kinds of smiles these days, and also starting to do a cute little laugh. He thinks mommy and his brothers are especially funny. He's still not a big fan of tummy time, although he does like to lay on his back on his play mat  and bat at this toys. He's rolled from back to tummy a few times, but it's not consistent yet.

Overall, he's just lovely!!!

In other new, L2 finally got his first haircut! I was not ready for this, and I thought his cute, fly-away, baby curls were the cutest thing ever.... but Daddy insisted. He's two, so I suppose it's time! He did not enjoy the experience at all..... I felt pretty bad for him actually! 

But now that the initial trauma seems to have passed, I have to admit, he looks pretty darn cute. And like such a big boy! He doesn't look like my little baby anymore!

And finally, a big part of the reason I have been MIA is because we took our big trip to Reno a few weeks ago. Because there are now four of us to buy plane tickets for, which is incredibly expensive, we opted to drive. I was dreading the drive (12 hours, 3 kids.... no thanks!) but it wasn't as bad as I expected. We drove to Vegas and spent the night and then made the longer haul to Reno the next day. R only woke up twice to eat and be changed, and for the most part the kids were pretty patient and kept themselves entertained.

I took literally like no pictures in Reno.... it was a bit of a whirlwind and packed with activity, but needless to say we all had a blast. I got to catch up not only with my family, but also with lots of old friends, and it was a great get away for S an the kids too.

I'm sure I have more pictures on our actually camera, but I'm too lazy to take the time to pull them off right now, and I feel like if I don't get this post written it will never happen! So here's two cute ones from my phone, one of R and Gramps and one of S, L and baby R all sleeping in together one morning! 

Well, know I feel like you are pretty caught up on whats been going on around these parts! We have a busy month coming up.... my parents are coming to visit, w have Valentines Day, we are going to Cali for a weekend and it's my (gulp) 30th birthday!