Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!!!! I love Halloween, mostly because I love all holidays. And give me a holiday that involves copious amounts of chocolate and the opportunity to dress my kids in adorable costumes? I'm all in. I also love Halloween because it symbolizes that start of the holidays. Everything about the holiday season makes me giddy, from Thanksgiving to Christmas. (OK, Christmas actually makes me more than giddy. It makes me happy like a five year old meeting Santa Claus).  But once Halloween is here it's the start of decorating and baking and colder nights and Egg Nog and everything else that goes along with "The Season"!

L dressed up as a Zebra this year, and can I just say he was the cutest Zebra ever? I wanted to get him a dinosaur costume, because he's really into "roaring" these days.... but he refused to wear the headpiece. The kid has some major issues with hats, or anything else that goes on his head. He would only keep the Zebra head on for a few minutes at a time, and only when he had an audience telling him how great he looked. Kid's not going to deny his fans.

(Can I just say, I adore my ergo carrier? Best purchase ever!)

And it was this little ones first Halloween. Because my original due date was the 29th I was really worried I might end up being in the hospital for Halloween. But we are so happy he is here, and he was trooper going trick or treating with his big brother.

And L was happy to have him tag along. He is really into holding him lately, and these pictures of the two of them literally just melt my heart every time we capture one.

(Me and my two handsome little men! So in love with them!)

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween! (And for those who are from my home state: Happy Nevada Day!)  

Friday, October 28, 2011

Baby is here! L2 came into the world on Monday, October 24th at 1:02 P.M. He is beatiful and perfect and already turning out to be an amazing baby. L is loving on his little brother in ways that melt my heart and bring tears to my eyes..... he can't stop kissing and hugging him!

This is a short post. We are settling in at home, trying to master breastfeeding again, and adjusting to being a family of four instead of three. More updates and more pictures to come soon. (Like as soon as I figure out how I'm suppose to have a spare second between a two year old and a newborn!)

We are so happy that L2 is finally here!!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

38 week/life in general update

Hello everyone! I know I have been majorly MIA from the blogging world lately, but at 38 weeks pregnant I just haven't had the energy/time/inclination to write. I am hot and uncomfortable and generally cranky, and I didn't want to get on here and complain.....

But now it is midnight on Sunday and guess what? I am hot, uncomfortable, cranky, and exhausted....... yet completely unable to sleep. So here I am. The last few weeks of pregnancy are always the most uncomfortable, but the thing I find the most frustrating is just the inability to fall asleep. I know that I am going to be just as tired when the baby gets here, but at least then I would be able to sleep, given the chance. Right now I have ample opportunity, but I just can't seem to do it!

I am so excited that L2 is almost here. I can't believe in two weeks (or less, fingers crossed!) we are going to be the parents of two little boys! I'm excited for him to get here, and I"m very excited not to be pregnant anymore, but I have got to tell you..... I am also really nervous. I"m nervous about a few things. The first is probably going to sound silly, but I feel really unprepared! I mean we have everything we need, and this is our second boy so we've done this all before, but I feel almost kind of....... scared! With L we had taken all the the classes (breastfeeding, Daddy Bootcamp, newborn 101, car seat safety, etc.) and read all the books and watched the DVDs..... but we didn't do any of that with this baby. And I know, realistically, that we didn't need to. We have done this before, and it wasn't that long ago, but I find myself thinking things like "I don't remember how to do that", or "I don't know what we did with L or what L did when he was that age". It will come back to us though.... it has to, right?

The second thing I'm worried about is how L is going to handle all of it. He really likes babies, and he's so good with other kids.... but he is going to go from being our baby to being the big brother and he is still too young to really explain that to. He is too young to prepare and I feel like the baby coming is just going to shake up his whole world. And, again, I know in the long run it will be fine. He will love his little brother and he is going to be an amazing big brother. But the thought of his feelings being hurt or him feeling left out or less loved by us because of his baby brother makes my heart hurt.

So that's what's been going on with me these days. I'm counting down the days until we meet out little man and I get to reacquaint myself with concepts such as touching my toes or getting of the couch without assistance. And I"m feeling my time with worrying, complaining, not sleeping, and the occasional burst of manic "nesting" cleaning.

I'll try to update more, but to be honest as we prepare for baby, this month will probably be pretty scarce!!!